EDUC 5010 Intensive edTPA Retake

Prerequisites: Permission of the Dean of the School of Education and hold a valid Pre-Service Certificate

This field-based course is a supervised clinical experience in an approved instructional setting. edTPA Retake will offer graduate interns additional opportunities to practice and refine teaching skills and for faculty and graduate interns to engage in reflective dialogue about graduate intern strengths, as well as areas for improvement. Additionally, edTPA Retake allows graduate interns to continue to analyze and reflect on teaching effectiveness and apply what they have learned in their preparation programs. Note: All artifacts and commentaries included in a retake must reflect new planning, instructing and/or assessing for student learning, and must not have been previously submitted to edTPA. Revised or edited versions of previously submitted artifacts and commentaries may not be submitted with one exception â€" when retaking any portion of edTPA, if the graduate intern can teach the same group of students, the same context information about that group of students may be resubmitted. (SCALE, 2013, p. 1). A faculty member will maintain close supervision during the clinical experience. NOTE: This course is non-transferable to a baccalaureate program.


3 credits

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours