BIO 1001 Principles of Biology I

The first part of a two-semester lecture sequence, complemented with hands-on laboratory experience, stresses the major biological principles and concepts that serve as the foundation for study in the biological and health-related fields. Although the first semester includes topics such as the chemistry of biological systems, cell and historical organization, membrane transport, metabolism and evolution of organisms, the major focus is on the principles of Mendelian genetics, molecular genetics, and population genetics. The second semester stresses animal and plant organization, development, and physiology. Laboratory sessions provide opportunities for students to gain technical experience and to improve laboratory-related writing skills. The BIO.1001-1002 sequence is strongly recommended; however, students may take BIO.1002 before BIO.1001.





Prerequisite: BIO.1000: Introduction to Biology, BIO.1002: Principles of Biology I, or passing score on placement exam.