Restricted Information

The following information may only be released by the College with the consent or waiver of the student: Parents may be entitled to academic and financial records under FERPA with written consent of the student, or if the student is a dependent for tax purposes (in which case the parent’s request for information must be accompanied by a copy of the first page of their tax return which shows the student as a claimed dependent; financial information may be blacked out). Parents are not entitled to medical or counseling information without written consent of the student.

  1. Academic records
  2. Financial information
  3. Private correspondence
  4. Conduct records
  5. Medical records
  6. Information about participation in counseling
  7. Recommendations from faculty and employers
  8. Campus employment records

Consent will be inferred in the case of (1) a request from another educational institution in which the student intends to enroll or from an appropriate educational institution in which the student intends to enroll or (2) from an appropriate educational, government funded agency, or (3) in the event of litigation or quasi litigation instituted by the student against the College.