Directory Information

The following data are considered public information and may be released to individuals or organizations at the discretion of the office to which the request is made:

  1. Name
  2. Citizenship
  3. Date and place of birth
  4. Local address (campus address for residents, home address for commuters, not telephone numbers)
  5. The facts and dates of enrollment
  6. Major
  7. The awarding of degrees and honors
  8. Publications
  9. Records of campus co-curricular activities
  10. Names of officers of chartered student organizations
  11. Weight and height of athletic team members

Restricted Information

The following information may only be released by the College with the consent or waiver of the student: Parents may be entitled to academic and financial records under FERPA with written consent of the student, or if the student is a dependent for tax purposes (in which case the parent’s request for information must be accompanied by a copy of the first page of their tax return which shows the student as a claimed dependent; financial information may be blacked out). Parents are not entitled to medical or counseling information without written consent of the student.

  1. Academic records
  2. Financial information
  3. Private correspondence
  4. Conduct records
  5. Medical records
  6. Information about participation in counseling
  7. Recommendations from faculty and employers
  8. Campus employment records

Consent will be inferred in the case of (1) a request from another educational institution in which the student intends to enroll or from an appropriate educational institution in which the student intends to enroll or (2) from an appropriate educational, government funded agency, or (3) in the event of litigation or quasi litigation instituted by the student against the College.

Additional Sources of Information Surveys

The results of surveys that ask questions about Manhattanville students may be released as public information with the understanding that individual names will not be disclosed. A student who is approached directly by outside sources for interviews is advised to confirm the identity of the interviewer with the Office of Communications.

Official Record

At Manhattanville College, a student’s official record is on file at the Registrar’s Office. A student may review his/her file. Upon graduation, records and memos made obsolete by the awarding of the degrees are destroyed.

Specific Student File

Individual offices at the College keep files on students in order to serve the informational needs of those offices. The offices that maintain student files are the following: Registrar, Advising, Student Affairs, Business, Financial Aid, Health Center, Residence Life, Center for Career Development, Graduate Studies, Teacher Education, Student Employment, and Research and Records in the Resource and Development Office. Since the main purpose of these files is to aid the personal and academic growth of the student, the student has the right to review the contents of each file except confidential recommendations placed in the file prior to January 1, 1975, or if the student has waived the right to access in writing. Upon twenty-four hour written notice, student may question the existence, the contents or availability of any of his/her records before the official having control of them.

Official Access to Records

Officials may have legitimate and demonstrable need for information concerning students in connection with their duties and responsibilities and may have access without prior written permission. Each office that keeps records maintains a list, available for inspection, of those persons that have legitimate need for files and access to them. Whenever possible, the official responsible for the records themselves will provide the information needed by such persons.


A student may elect to waive any or all of his or her rights with respect to confidentiality of records in any given matter.


Disciplinary materials may not be released without written permission of the student involved, except as required by law.

Private Records

Records kept by faculty or staff members regarding students, such notes taken at meetings and during conversation with students, are not official records. They are regarded as extensions of the memory of the individual who keeps them, and as such, private records. Each individual is held accountable for the consequence of keeping such private records and is responsible for preventing disclosure.

Notwithstanding all of the above, all records of the College are subject to disclosure in compliance with a subpoena issued in accordance with the appropriate law.

A student has the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education. Any member of the College who willingly and knowingly falsifies or misrepresents information pertaining to student records or wrongfully discloses such records is guilty of grave misconduct and will be subject to appropriate discipline.