Student Accounts

All student account balances are due and payable when billed or on the date indicated on the bill. Amounts due are the responsibility of the student. It is, therefore, incumbent upon the student to see that accounts are kept current. Financial Aid will be applied when received. If expected financial aid does not appear on a bill, the student must contact the Financial Aid Office. They are located on the third floor of Reid Hall. 

• All payments must be made in US dollars. Remittances from foreign banks should be wired directly to Manhattanville College’s bank account. Please refer to the Student Accounts Office webpage for wire instructions.

• Students who have not paid their account balance by the payment due date may not start classes, occupy their Residence Hall room or use their meal plan. Students may also lose their room reservation in the Residence Hall.

• Students will not be allowed to participate in the Residence Hall Room Lottery if their accounts have an outstanding balance.

• A balance on one’s account may also result from fines owed, e.g. parking, library, etc. Payments must be made within 72 hours of the Commencement itself in order to process in the Commencement ceremony and should be in the form of cash, credit card or certified check.

• Official and unofficial transcripts and/or diplomas will not be available to students with unpaid account balances.

• Failure to comply with Financial Aid requirements will result in a student’s account being considered not current and the student will be liable for outstanding amounts. A non-current account may jeopardize a student’s Residence Hall room assignment and class registration.

• Late fees for graduate students will be assessed beginning and for each period of 30 days after the first day of the semester.

• Late fees for undergraduate students If payment is not received on time, a late fee of $100 will be assessed every month until the balance is paid in full.

If the College places a delinquent account with collection agency, all related fees, including but not limited to, collection agency fees, attorney’s fees and interest, become the responsibility of the student and will be added to the amount due. Student will be charged a $25.00 fee for each returned check.

Monthly Payment Plan

The College offers a monthly payment plan, accessible through Touchnet. It enables students or their families to pay monthly installments on their account toward tuition, fees, and housing. To enroll, please visit

Health Insurance

The College automatically enrolls each student in the Aetna Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), plan each year. A charge for this plan appears on the student’s tuition bill. If the student has access to health insurance through other means (i.e. parent’s policy) and does not wish to be enrolled in the SHIP plan, the student must go online to decline the coverage and provide proof of coverage. Waivers should be completed by September 15 at the following link:

Refund Policy

Refunds of tuition charges for all students are computed as of the date the student officially drops the course. Refunds are pro-rated downward beginning on the first day of the semester, regardless of the class schedule.

Students receiving financial aid from the College who withdraw during a term will have their financial aid reevaluated, a process that may necessitate repayment of a portion of the aid received. Repayment of financial aid depends on the type of aid received, government regulations, and the period of time attended. A partial semester will generally count as one of the eight semesters of financial aid eligibility normally allowed.

Refund Schedule

Refunds will be based on this date of withdrawal according to the schedule below:

Refund Schedule Fall and spring
Before first day of classes 100%
During first two weeks of classes 80%
During the third week of classes 60%

During the fourth week of classes 40%
During the fifth week of classes 20%
NO refund after fifth week of classes

Tuition Refund Schedule for Summer Sessions
Once the Summer Session begins, 100% will be refunded for the first two days of the semester, 80% of tuition will be refunded on the third day of the semester; 50% will be refunded for fourth day of the semester and 0% after the fourth day of the semester. Refunds of credit balances must be requested in writing.

Tuition Refund Schedule for Winter Sessions

Students are eligible for full refunds ONLY for drops made before the first day of the semester, 50% of tuition will be refunded until the close of business hours on the first day of the semester. No refunds after that date. Refunds of credit balances must be requested in writing.

Tuition Refund Schedule for Module Programs
Once the session begins, 80% of tuition will be refunded for the first two days of the semester; 50% will be refunded for the third and fourth days of the semester and 0% after the fourth day of the semester. Refunds of credit balances must be requested in writing.

Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee

Tuition Appeal Forms are for students who are requesting a refund, credit or balance waiver of their tuition charges due to extenuating circumstances that occurred during a given term. Grades received and recorded on the student’s transcript will not be affected by this process and will remain as part of the student’s academic record.

The Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee will consider requests for adjustments to tuition charges when a student can document extenuating circumstances such as:

• Student Illness.
• Illness of immediate family member.
• Death of immediate family member.
• Military deployment.
• Change in employment schedule beyond the student’s control.
• Verifiable Advising Error.

In all cases, the situation must have interrupted your ability to:
• Adhere to the standard drop or withdrawal procedures.
• Attend class(s) for a substantial length of time.
• Complete the semester.

Examples of reasons NOT accepted are:
• Lack of knowledge or misinterpretation of College policies published in College catalog and on website.
• Appealing a non-refundable fee.
• Voluntary employment change.
• Class assignments not met.
• Issue between student and the instructor.
• Disciplinary Action.
• Loss of financial aid or scholarships.
• Non-receipt of mail due to obsolete address on file with the registrar.
• Lack of awareness of schedules and deadlines.
• Non-attendance.
• Closure of the college due to weather, infrastructure disruption or other issues.
• Did not like course for which you registered.
• Incorrect course advising recommendations
• Instructor says they will take care of it. Students are responsible for changes to his or her schedule

NOTE: A request for Tuition Credit must be submitted no later than 30 days after the start of the semester following the semester for which you are requesting credit. Appeals older than that will be denied. The College considers the decision of the Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee final. Fees are NOT refundable.
Grading, class assignments and other academic issues are not within the scope of this committee. Please contact your instructor, department chair, or academic dean.

Students should be aware that if a Tuition Appeal is submitted and they have received Financial Aid, their Aid may be impacted and they may potentially owe money to the college. We strongly suggest you meet with a Financial Aid Counselor before you file an appeal.

Tuition Appeal Forms, along with any explanatory material that the student would like the committee to consider, may be submitted to the Director of Financial Services or, for graduate students, the School of Education Office of Graduate Advising can facilitate the process.