ENG 2023A English III, Pt. 1: Neoclassical Lit.

This course is divided into two parts, A and B, each of which runs for one-half semester and carries a value of two (2) credits. The course as a whole will examine the transition that took place in literature from the Neoclassical period of the early- and mid- 18th-century to the Romanticism that emerged in the late-18th and early-19th-centuries. Emphasis will be placed on comparing and contrasting these two different approaches to literature and art. Authors studied in part A will include Defoe, Swift, Gay, Pope, Goldsmith, Johnson, and Sheridan, among others. Part B will cover Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, the Shelleys, and Keats, among others. Students may register for either a full semester or half a semester, but must ultimately take both parts in order to count as a core course or an elective for the English major or minor.




ENG 2023B