“Cooperative” Study Abroad Programs

Cooperative study abroad programs are options for study abroad through reputable American and foreign institutions in countries around the world with which we have an affiliation agreement and/or are offered by a third-party provided for which students can receive academic credit. For students with solid G.P.A.’s (at least 3.0) there exists the possibility of acceptance to one of the Manhattanville “cooperative programs.” All students desiring to study abroad must visit and be listed with the Office of Study Abroad. 
Please click on the link below for a list of the Cooperative Study Abroad Programs: Study Abroad Cooperative http://annex.mville.edu/about/social-action/duchesne-center-for-religion-a-social-justice/study-abroad/how-to-apply.html 

All students must pay Manhattanville tuition for the semester abroad.

Students are eligible to receive a maximum $10,000 of their Manhattanville aid towards the actual tuition cost of tuition at Manhattanville. All reminder balances on total cost of Manhattanville tuition must be paid to Manhattanville.

Federal and/or state aid and loans can be applied to the cost of the remaining balance of Manhattanville tuition. If outside funding exceeds the cost of Manhattanville tuition, students have access to the remainder of that money to use toward the housing (room & board) cost of the study abroad program.

Once students pay Manhattanville tuition, Manhattanville will pay the tuition cost of the student's study abroad tuition.

Students need to be aware of their financial commitment for room and board while abroad. All students are financially responsible to pay for the room and board costs of their study abroad program. Thus, there is no housing cost to Manhattanville for that semester abroad.