Political Science, Bachelor of Arts

Political Science Major Requirements

A student majoring in Political Science must successfully complete (with a grade of C or better) a minimum of eleven courses (thirteen if the student is concentrating in Legal Studies or Criminal Law — see the requirements listed below) including:

Four required introductory courses:

POS 1031Intro to American Government



POS 1037International Politics I



POS 1038International Politics II



POS 2011Comparative Politics



POS 2015Comp. Politics II



POS 2003Intro to Political Thought


Six electives (or eight required courses if the student chooses the Legal Studies or Criminal Law concentrations — see the requirements listed under these concentrations).

Students may choose to take two of the six electives outside the department, subject to approval of the Chair of the Political Science Department. One of the electives may be an Internship, completed for a grade and under faculty supervision. Only one of the six electives may be at the 1000 level.

Senior Evaluation or Senior Honors Thesis (and Seminar)

Political Science Senior Evaluation

There are two options for completing the Senior Evaluation, required of all Political Science majors:

  • To take Political Science Honors Seminar I and II (or approved equivalent), have a G.P.A. of 3.5 or above in the major (for Honors), and write a senior honors thesis in the seminar or
  • To complete the senior evaluation by writing a research paper in a 3000-level Political Science Seminar during the Senior year.

Honors and Distinctions in Political Science

Graduation with Honors in Political Science requires that a student complete the Honors Program. Students must have a 3.5 grade point average in courses taken for the major. Students who enter the Honors Program complete both the Honors seminar (Honors I and II) and a senior thesis. To receive departmental honors at graduation, it is necessary to earn at least a B+ on the thesis and to have an overall average of 3.5 in courses taken for the major. Distinction in Political Science also requires completion of Honors Seminar I and II and the thesis, as well as a grade point average of 3.0 in the major.

Legal Studies Concentration

Students majoring in Political Science may select Legal Studies as a concentration. They must complete the eight courses listed below for the concentration, in addition to the four required Political Science courses and Senior Evaluation for a total of thirteen courses.

Requirements for Legal Studies Concentration

POS 2087Introduction to Common Law


POS 2004Constitutional Law


POS 2019Civil Liberties



POS 2024Criminal Procedure



POS 2093Criminal Law



One course on Business Law*

One seminar on Perspective on Law*

Two electives in Criminal Law or Legal Studies (One of the electives may be from outside the Department)

All courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.

* See course descriptions for appropriate courses.

Criminal Law Concentration

Students majoring in Political Science may elect Criminal Law as a concentration. They must complete the eight courses listed below for the concentration, in addition to the four required courses for the Political Science major, and Senior Evaluation for total of thirteen courses.

Requirements for Criminal Law Concentration

POS 2087Introduction to Common Law


POS 2093Criminal Law


POS 2024Criminal Procedure



POS 2004Constitutional Law



POS 2019Civil Liberties



One course on Business Law*

One seminar on Perspective on Law*

Two electives in Criminal Law or Legal Studies (One of the electives may be from outside the Department)

*See courses description for appropriate courses.

All courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.