2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Degrees, Programs

B.S. in Athletic Training (for information on tis program see the Nathan Weiss Graduate School)

B.S. in Community Health Education

B.S. in Exercise Science Option "Final approval from the New Jersey Presidents' Council anticipated June 1, 2020"

B.S. in Physical Education

  • Exercise Science Option

B.S. in Physical Education and Health

  • Teacher Certification Option P-12

B.A. in Early Childhood P-3/TSD

B.A. in Elementary Education K-6/TSD

B.A. in Elementary Education K-6 with Bilingual Certification

B.A. in Elementary Education K-6, 5-8

B.A. in Elementary Education K-6, 5-8 TSD

B.A. in Elementary Education K-6, 5-8 with Bilingual Certification

B.A. in Fine Arts Teacher Certification P-12 Option

B.M. in Music Education (This program is not currently accepting new students)

B.A. in Recreation Administration

  • Community Recreation Option

  • Sports and Event Management Option

B.A. in Recreational Therapy

B.A. in Spanish

  • Spanish Teacher Certification Option P-12

B.A. in Special Education - Teacher of Students With Disabilities

  • Options include: P-3/TSD, K-6/TSD, and K-6/5-8 (TSD). Also available for select Secondary Programs

B.A. in Theatre Teacher Certification Option (This program is not currently accepting new students)

(For secondary programs (P-12), see programs in the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences, ).

All incoming students must earn and maintain a grade point average of 3.0 and earn qualifying scores on the Praxis I Academic Skills for Educators in order to be admitted as a declared major in all certification programs. Also, some programs require that students earn a B- or better in designated General Education and math/science courses.

Academic Content Areas and Academic Majors

Academic Content Areas (P-3/TSD, K-6/TSD, and K-6 Bilingual Programs)

  • Students in these programs must choose an academic content area program of study in the liberal arts and sciences.

  • P-3/TSD, K-6/TSD, and K-6 Bilingual majors must meet the minimum number of credits for their specific content area in liberal arts, math, or science (with range form 20-39 credits. Middle School candidates will be required to complete a full academic major, which will be 30 or more credits). Note: Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.

  • Students must see their academic content area advisor for advisement regarding course requirements, prerequisites and co-requisites and satisfy all content area requirements. Transfer students must complete at least on-half of the major at Kean University

  • P-3/TSD, K-6/TSD, and K-6 Bilingual majors who wsh to be eligible for Secondary licensure must complete a full Academic Major in the apppirat program in liberal arts, math or science/.

Second Academic Majors (K-6/5-8, K-6/5-8 TSD, K-6/5-8 Bilingual)

  • All K-6/5-8, K-6/5-8 TSD, K-6/5-8 Bilingual students intending ot teach Middle School must complete a Second Academic Major in the appropriate program in liberal arts, math or science. Middle School candidates may choose Academic Majors in English, History, Mathematics, Earth Science, Biology or Spanish only. Note: Students who wish to pursue the K-12 certificate in Spanish must take EMSE 3250K-6, 5-8 students intending to teach Middle School must complete a full Academic Major in the appropriate program in Liberal Arts, Math or Science Middle School candidates may choose Academic Majors in English, History, Mathematics, Earth Science, Biology or Spanish only. Note: Students who wish to pursue the P-12 certificate in Spanish must take EMSE 3250 as an added requirement.

  • The number of credits required to complete Academic Majors vary depending o the major and the number of additional requirements needed. For state certification in K-12, a minimum of 30 credits is required and all second academic major programs must have at least 12 S.H. of their courses at the 3000/4000 level. Transfer students must complete at least one-half of the major at Kean University.

  • Middle School candidates must satisfy all prerequisites and co-requisites for their respective programs according to the policies in each department (students should see the second academic major department advisor regarding such policies).

  • Secondary candidates seeking K-12 licensure may choose any K-12 approved major and must complete all requirements for that major. Note: Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher to qualify for New Jersey State Certification.

Minor Programs

Athletic Coaching

Exercise Science

French Studies





Therapeutic Recreation

Praxis Information

Core Academic Skills for Educators

All certification candidates must earn the New Jersey Qualifying scores on all three parts of the Core Academic Skills for Educators examination as of 9/1/13. In order to be admitted into their respective programs with declared status, candidates must earn passing scores which are determined by the State of New Jersey and are subject to change:

Combined test code (5751)

Math - 150 (Test Code # 5732)

Reading - 156 (Test Code # 5712)

Writing - 162 (Test Code # 5722)

Students who do not earn passing scores in all three areas will not be declared for the major or permitted to enroll in professional education courses (with the exception of the introductory field experience). As of 9/1/2015, passing the Core Academic Skills exam will become a New Jersey State Department of Education requirement for admission to a Teacher Education Program.

All students in certification programs are required to submit a passing score on the appropriate Praxis II examination(some programs require more than one Praxis II examination and a passing score on all is required). Middle School candidates must take and pass the Elementary Education Multiple Subjects examination #5001 and the examination in their academic specialization. P-3/TSD, must take the Early Childhood: Content Knowledge examination (5025)

Secondary candidates must take and pass the examination in their academic specialization. No student will be permitted to enroll in the professional field experience  without a passing score(s) on the Praxis II examination.

Students are encouraged to prepare for and take Praxis II as early as possible to have sufficient time to earn a passing score.

The Career Services Center must receive score reports for the Core Academic Skills exam for Pre-Professional Field the semester before placement and passing Praxis II scores for Professional Field the semester before placement (see published dates for submission of field applications including score reports the Center). Inquire at the Center in Center for Academic Success (CAS) Room 201 for field applications and more specific information.

Graduation Policy for Teacher Education Students

Students seeking a B.A. degree in Education will graduate with eligibility for teacher certification if all university and state licensure requirements have been met: The requirements include the completion of a passing score for Praxis II, a minimum cumulative grade point average of a 3.0 and the completion and passing of the Professional Internship experience.

Any student seeking to graduate without teacher certification must change from a teacher education option to their academic content area or academic major and graduate from that program in the College of Liberal Arts or the College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences. This option is not available to those majoring in Health and Physical Education since there is no second major or content area.