2018-2019 Graduate Catalog


This course explores the many roles of the physical therapist as a professional, against the "real-world" backdrop of challenges and opportunities existing in various clinical environments within the US Healthcare System and following associated health care policy reform. This course is designed to teach physical therapy students basic leadership and business management principles, examine various health care systems and reimbursement entities, as well as assist practitioners in developing as professionals within the affective domain, including improving communication, cultural awareness, professionalism, and ethical decision making. Students will gain an understanding of the leadership and management skills necessary to succeed in today's evolving clinical practice settings Students will develop awareness for the core values the APTA and "professionalism". The role of the physical therapist to uphold these professional core values is discussed, as it pertains to daily clinical practice, leadership and advocacy efforts for patient, professions, community, colleagues, and institutions. Ethical conflicts are considered along with factors affecting patient, family and Interprofessional communication and collaboration. The Physical therapy Scope of Practice with NJ is explored, including the roles and responsibilities of multiple members of a health care team. The role of the physical therapist in delegation and supervision, patient management, and as a consultant to other practices, health care providers and community is discussed
