PSY 270H Educ Psy Teach Assistantship

(Contact Hours: 3) Students in this writing intensive seminar will examine the assumptions, strategies, and evidence associated with college teaching. Additionally, they will acquire hands-on experience completing a project focused on creating a unit of instruction based on sound instructional practice. Through project development, they will learn to assess the needs of learners, design and develop instructional materials, and deliver a short lesson. To compliment the classroom component, they will acquire direct applied experience serving as teaching assistants in the classes where they have previously distinguished themselves. A list of possible tasks may include (but is not limited to) tutoring students, conducting group study sessions, scoring student work, and designing instructional materials under the guidance of a faculty mentor. This is a KVCC Honors Program course. It provides qualified and highly motivated students with an enriched academic environment through high-impact educational practices and experiential learning in a community of scholarly minded peers. Honors course sections facilitate additional academic challenge and lively interaction with peers and faculty members in small classes. Minimum benchmarks will be enforced. A previous grade of 4.0 in the course selected for the practicum experience is also required.
