AFR 132 | Arts & Culture in the African Diaspora | 3 |
AFR 202 | Hip Hop Justice | 3 |
AFR 241 | Poetic Justice: Spoken Word Poetry and Performance | 3 |
ART 101 | Introduction to Art | 3 |
ART 103 | Art of the Italian Renaissance | 3 |
ART 104 | Non-Western Art & Visual Culture | 3 |
ART 105 | Modern Art | 3 |
ART 106 | Latin American Art | 3 |
ART 201 | Art in NY | 3 |
ART 254 | Political Art | 3 |
DRA 110 | Introduction to Theatre | 3 |
DRA 212 | History of Theater from Ancient Greece to Restoration (was History of the Drama I) | 3 |
DRA 217 | Theater of Americas since 1960 | 3 |
DRA 225 | Criminal Justice in Theatre | 3 |
ENG 247 | Creative Expression and Human Nature | 3 |
ISP 130 | Creative Movements: How, When and Why They Happen | 3 |
ISP 132 | Monsters and What They Mean | 3 |
ISP 134 | Imagining Other Worlds | 3 |
ISP 135 | True Crime and Popular Culture | 3 |
ISP 235 | Apples & Oranges: Form & Meaning in the Arts | 3 |
ISP 236 | Truth & Creativity: How We Make Meaning | 3 |
ISP 237 | Laughing at Ourselves: Comedy and Identity | 3 |
LIT 104 | Whose Stories Get Told? | 3 |
LIT 106 | Introduction to Film | 3 |
LIT 133 | Justice Across Literature | 3 |
LIT 140 | Crime Stories | 3 |
LIT 230 | Ancient Literature: Expressions of the Living Past | 3 |
LIT 241 | Murder on Screen and Stage | 3 |
LLS 110 | Popular Music of the Caribbean | 3 |
LLS 217 | Theater of Americas since 1960 | 3 |
LLS 223 | Revolution & Social Change in Latin American Literature & Arts | 3 |
MHC 125 | Macaulay Seminar 1: The Arts in New York City | 3 |
MUS 101 | Introduction to Music | 3 |
MUS 103 | American Popular Music from Jazz to Rock | 3 |
MUS 104 | Music in World Culture | 3 |
MUS 110 | Popular Music of the Caribbean | 3 |
MUS 211 | Introduction to Afro-Caribbean Music and Dance | 3 |
PHI 201 | Philosophy of Art | 3 |
PHI 238 | Philosophy of Comedy | 3 |
SPA 217 | Theater of Americas since 1960 | 3 |