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Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (Formerly Student Life)

Room L2.71.00, New Building

The Center for Student Involvement & Leadership offers a wide array of cultural, educational, leadership and social activities to students, faculty and staff. Getting involved in John Jay’s student life is the quickest way for students to become a part of the College community, and to create their personal experiences. The office organizes programs and events, lectures, cultural presentations, leadership programs and social activities. These programs aim to enrich students’ experiences, encourage them to develop their leadership abilities and express their talents. They allow students to build strong connections with peers that have diverse backgrounds and interests. These programs are supported by the student activity fee and managed by the Student Activities Association Board of Directors, commonly referred to as the BOD.


The Center for Student Involvement & Leadership provides students with meaningful interactions outside of the classroom that connect students with their peers and with other members of the John Jay College community. These interactions help students unify their educational experiences with their lived experiences, provoking critical thought and motivating them to develop a sound system of values. The Center for Student Involvement & Leadership assists student organizations in planning and organizing a wide range of activities, including free film series, parties, day trips, fairs and workshops. It coordinates lectures, social occasions, leadership programs and cultural presentations for student organizations, and provides information about campus meetings and events.

Student Clubs and Organizations

The College has a number of student organizations which are supported by the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership. John Jay’s student organizations show the diversity of our students and their interests. More than 50 student clubs and organizations offer educational, cultural, philanthropic, social and recreational opportunities through a variety of meetings, films, concerts and lectures.

Eligibility criteria for clubs and their governance are set forth in Section 9 of the Charter of the Student Government, available at under “Student Government” and in the Appendix of this bulletin. Additional information and a complete listing of all student clubs are available in the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership and on their webpage.

Student Council

The Student Council represents and supports the John Jay student community through holding events and seminars, disbursing student activity fee funds to student clubs, Yearbook, John Jay Sentinel, Theatrical Players and Radio Club. The Council is composed of 25 members, including the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, along with four representatives from each class of the College: graduate, senior, junior, sophomore, and freshman. The Student Council follows the Charter of the Student Government in fulfilling its responsibilities.

Student Activities Association

The John Jay College Student Activities Association Board of Directors is composed of six students, three faculty members, three administrators and a chairperson appointed by the President of the College. The corporation is responsible for the management and supervision of the student activity fee.