2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin

Criminal Justice Management, Bachelor of Science

The Criminal Justice Management major focuses on the development of leadership, supervision and analytic skills of students who aspire to executive positions in criminal justice agencies such as correctional facilities, courts, and emergency response and law enforcement agencies. The major is designed to introduce students to the American criminal justice system, expose students to management issues and methods, introduce ethical considerations, and provide students with basic academic and management skills that are needed for supervisory and executive positions.

Credits required. 39

Prerequisites. POL 101 (or GOV 101). This course fulfills the Flexible Core: U.S. Experience in its Diversity area of the general education requirements.

Coordinator and Advisor. Professor Wendy Guastaferro, Department of Public Management (212.393.6411, wguastaferro@jjay.cuny.edu)

Advising resources. Sample Four-year Plan of Study

Baccalaureate/Master’s Program in Criminal Justice Management. Qualified undergraduate students may enter the Baccalaureate/Master’s Program and thereby graduate with both a bachelor’s in criminal justice management, and either a master’s in criminal justice or the Master of Public Administration degree. For additional information, contact Professor Jennifer Dysart (212.484.1160, bamadirector@jjay.cuny.edu).

Additional information. Students who enroll for the first time at the College or changed to this major in September 2015 or thereafter must complete the major in the form presented here. Students who enrolled prior to that date may choose either the form shown here or the earlier version of the major. A copy of the earlier version may be obtained in the 2014–2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

Part One. Foundation Courses


CJBS 101Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System


LAW 203Constitutional Law


PAD 140Introduction to Public Administration


Total Credit Hours: 9

Part Two. Management Courses


ENG 235Writing for Management, Business and Public Administration


PAD 241Information in Public Management


PAD 314Leadership, Supervision and Performance


PAD 318Decisions in Crises


Total Credit Hours: 12

Part Three. Technical Courses

Select one

ACC 250Introduction to Accounting


PAD 343Administration of Financial Resources


Select two or three

COR 282Principles of Correctional Operations


Science Foundations of Emergency Management and Response


PAD 360Court Administration


PSC 101Introduction to Police Studies


PSC 201Police Organization and Administration


SEC 310Emergency Planning


SOC 203Criminology


PAD 402Seminar and Internship in Public Administration


PAD 404Practicum in Public Administration


Note: In-service students in the uniformed services may apply up to 12 credits of external credit for advanced training approved by the College or by the American Council on Education (ACE), provided that the student’s total external credits do not exceed curricular limitations on total external credits toward a degree. Advanced training is training that is not part of the initial program of training for new uniformed service personnel.

Note:  taking PAD 402 or PAD 404 the internship or practicum must involve an agency with a criminal justice–related mission.

Total Credit Hours: 12

Part Four. Criminal Justice Planning and Policy Analysis


PAD 348Justice Planning and Policy Analysis


Total Credit Hours: 3

Part Five. Capstone Seminar

Select one

PAD 445Seminar in Justice Administration and Planning


Total Credit Hours: 3

Total Credit Hours: 39