2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin


Grade Explanation Numerical Percentage Value Equivalents
A Excellent 4.0 93.0–100.0
A– 3.7 90.0–92.9
B+ 3.3 87.1–89.9
B Good 3.0 83.0–87.0
B– 2.7 80.0–82.9
C+ 2.3 77.1–79.9
C Satisfactory 2.0 73.0–77.0
C– 1.7 70.0–72.9
D+ 1.3 67.1–69.9
D Passing 1.0 63.0–67.0
D– 0.7 60.0–62.9
F Failure/Unsuccessful 0.0 Below 60.0
P Pass - -

Please Note : An F is not erased when the course is taken again and passed. The P grade is not computed in the grade-point average and is authorized only for:

  • Remedial and developmental courses
  • Non-remedial courses for which the P grade is designated in the course description in this Undergraduate Bulletin
  • Courses taken on a Pass/Fail Option