2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

POL 318 The Law and Politics of Sexual Orientation

3 hours 

This course examines the law and politics affecting lesbians and gay men in the United States and investigates issues like same-sex marriage; the constitutionality of consensual-sodomy laws; sexual-orientation discrimination in public accommodations, housing, and the workplace; antigay ballot initiatives; child custody, visitation, adoption, and foster care by lesbian and gay parents and their domestic partners; health insurance and other benefits for domestic partners; and gays in the military. These issues will be considered through an examination of case law.




ENG 201, and GOV 101 or POL 101, and junior standing or above


This course satisfies the John Jay College Option: Struggle for Justice and Equality in the U.S. (300-level) area of the Gen Ed Program.