2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

AFR 315 Practicing Community-based Justice in the Africana World

3 hours 

The purpose of the course is to engage students in the analysis of various community and alternative justice practices around the world, particularly among people of African heritage or of relevance to Africana peoples. This course examines the assumptions behind community justice and restorative justice theories and their applicability to the Africana world. The course focuses on relationships between struggles for justice and experimentation with alternative community-based justice strategies, particularly among people of color. Students will compare and analyze strategies and practices that have been used to establish meaningful justice and community wellbeing for groups who experience discrimination. Such practices include but are not limited to: mediation, youth courts, circle sentencing, truth and reconciliation panels, victim-offender reconciliation, and community conferences.




ENG 201 and junior standing or above


This course satisfies the John Jay College Option: Justice inGlobal Perspective (300-level) area of the Gen Ed Program.