Withdrawal from Classes and Refunds

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Office of the Registrar that they are withdrawing. Notification of withdrawal must be in writing and must indicate the course number and section. Students are encouraged to withdraw by submitting the online withdrawal form (available at www.hood.edu/gradforms) via secure email submission. It is the student’s responsibility to call to ensure receipt. Refunds will be given if the drop/withdrawal notice is received by the Registrar before the first course meeting or within the drop/add period as defined by the academic calendar. The drop/add period for summer terms is the first week of each term.  After the first class meeting and within the drop/add period, there is an 80% refund/credit and the student is responsible for 20%. Refunds will not be granted for withdrawals received after the drop/add period. Withdrawal notices received before the course begins or during the drop/add period will be treated as a course "drop" and will not appear on the student’s transcript. Tuition refunds are based on the full tuition charge for the course. A grade of W (indicating withdrawal) will be noted on the student’s transcript for withdrawals that occur after the drop/add period. This notation carries no academic penalty. A student who does not give official notice of withdrawal will not be eligible for refunds and a grade of F (Unsatisfactory) will be recorded on the permanent record.

A graduate student may withdraw from a course by the withdrawal deadline as posted in the Academic Calendar. After the deadline, a student may not withdraw from a course. Students enrolled in a 3-credit course that meets for two weekends during the semester may withdraw from such class by submitting the course withdrawal form referenced above by the course withdrawal deadline and before the second weekend meeting date.  Withdrawals for 1-credit weekend courses are not accepted once the class has met.

The Office of Financial Aid is required to recalculate federal financial aid eligibility for students who withdraw. Up through 60 percent of the semester, a pro rata schedule is used to determine how much federal aid a student has earned at the time of withdrawal. The portion of unearned aid must be returned to the federal programs. When unearned aid is returned a student may owe the College additional funds.

Hood College is obligated to record a Withdrawal when students attend courses beyond our stated drop/add deadline, no matter their reason for late dropping, to maintain accurate record keeping for federal aid regulations. We need to accurately maintain a record of attempted credits on the transcript for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) rules and, per those regulations, because we cannot exclude courses where students attended beyond the drop/add period, our SAP calculations and our quantitative standards need to include those attempted credits. So, while a student may have myriad reasons for needing to leave a course, the Withdrawal is not a value statement, is not punitive, and must remain on the transcript.

Failure to begin or ceasing to attend classes does not constitute official notice of withdrawal or reason for refund/credit on tuition. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Office of the Registrar in writing of the student’s desire to withdraw from a class.