THE 994 Dissertation Direction

The doctoral dissertation is an original and significant contribution to scholarship in catechetics or in biblical, historical, dogmatic/systematic, or moral theology. The student will work with a dissertation director to develop a particular question, research the state of that question, and develop a formal dissertation proposal.



This is a pass/fail course. 


Admission to candidacy

THE 995 Dissertation Defense

Under the guidance of the dissertation director, the PhD candidate will formally defend his or her dissertation before the director and two faculty readers. 



This is a pass with honors/pass/fail course.


THE 994

THE 999 Thesis Extension

Registration for this optional non-credited course indicates that the student is involved in studies necessary for the completion of the thesis. At the end of each extension period the student must demonstrate progress toward the completion of the thesis. Master's students are allowed to register for THE 999 no more than two (2) times. A matriculation fee is required. This fee entitles the student to the use of the library and other basic services.

No credit