VII. Amnesty For Sexual Misconduct Complaints And Witnesses

 The University encourages reporting of sexual misconduct and seeks to remove barriers to making a report. At times, students may be hesitant to report sexual misconduct to University officials because they are concerned that they maybe subject to student disciplinary action for policy/student handbook violations that occurred during the incident. These behaviors are not condoned by the University, but the importance of addressing alleged sexual misconduct is the paramount consideration of the University. Consequently, students who initiate contact with the Title IX/EEO Coordinator (or designee), Deputy Title IX/EEO Coordinator, or a University responsible employee to report sexual misconduct in good faith, as a complainant or witness, will not be subject to student disciplinary action for other policy or student handbook violations that occurred during the incident. as long as such violations did not place the health and safety of any other person at risk. The University may, however, require students to participate in educational activities or other interventions as deemed appropriate by the Office of Student Life. The Title IX/EEO Coordinator (or designee) shall determine if amnesty is granted, which will be determined on a case-by-case basis considering the totality of the circumstances involved in the incident. Moreover, amnesty does not preclude or prevent action by law enforcement or other legal authorities.