Policy on Campus Fundraising, Solicitation, and Vending



The purpose of this policy is to clarify the policies and procedures relating to fundraising activities, solicitation and vending on the campus of Franciscan University of Steubenville. All approved fundraising, solicitation and vending activities must be consistent with and support the University’s mission. All groups shall follow federal and state guidelines for vendor licensing and taxation lawsAlso, to provide an environment conducive to work and academic pursuits, fundraising, solicitation, and vending activities are limited to certain locations, times, and situations and to provide equitable distribution of University resources to all students, faculty, and staff.  

General Policy and Procedures


Vendor committee: The Vendor Committee shall include representatives from Business Services, the Bookstore, Student Activities and Programming, Student Life, and Athletics.  

Product sales: The Franciscan University Bookstore maintains the exclusive right to retail merchandise on campus. Normally, any vendor (including students, faculty, and staff) wishing to sell merchandise on campus must work with the Director of Bookstore on a consignment basis. Exceptions to this rule are normally limited to musicians/performers that are performing at events sponsored by the University, a Student Government recognized club or Household. In these situations, the musician/performer may sell their own merchandise beginning one hour before until one hour after their scheduled event at a table located in the performance facility, or in the JC Williams Center. Musicians/performers are responsible for obtaining any required licenses (e.g. vendor’s license) for their product sales.  Intercollegiate sports teams may sell Baron logo merchandise at intercollegiate home games.

Any other exceptions to this rule must receive prior approval from the Vendor Committee.

Student businesses: The University encourages and supports student entrepreneurship, especially for services that benefit other Franciscan University students (e.g., haircuts, t-shirt design, tax preparation, etc.). However, student enterprises should not cause an undue burden upon University resources and services. Students may not bring off-campus guests into their residence halls to conduct business and may not use their residence hall rooms as a storage location for their business.  Students are responsible for adhering to federal, state, and local laws regarding taxation and any required licenses.

Students desiring to sell merchandise on campus must contact the Director of Bookstore (see Product Sales).

Advertising: Advertisements must be consistent with the mission statement of the University and must not promote organizations or events that are in direct competition with the University. Advertisements that are posted on designated kiosks and bulletin boards must receive prior approval from the appropriate University personnel (e.g., the Director of Student Activities and Programming for kiosks, secretary to the vice president of Academic Affairs for Egan Hall bulletin boards, etc.). Products and services from outside vendors that are in direct competition with the University Bookstore may be advertised through the student newspaper with the prior approval of the Vendor Committee.

Distribution of literature and other solicitation: Generally, outside organizations are not permitted to display or distribute literature, or otherwise solicit on University property. Any exceptions to this rule will be limited to locations that have been approved by the Vendor Committee.  The exceptions must be consistent with the mission statement of the University and must not promote organizations or events that are in direct competition with the University. These exceptions must receive prior approval from Vendor Committee.  Summer Conference vendors see Summer Conferences section.

University name, seal, and logo: The University name, seal, and logo are licensed, and the University reserves all rights to their use. Products using the University name, seal, and logo are generally sold through the University Bookstore. Any product or service using the University name, seal, or logo that is not sold through the Bookstore must receive prior written approval from the Vendor Committee. Use of the University name, seal, and logo must be in accordance with overall guidelines issued by the University’s department of Marketing and Communications. Intercollegiate sports teams may sell Baron logo merchandise at intercollegiate home games.


Summer Conferences

Summer conference sale of merchandise: The Franciscan University Bookstore maintains the exclusive right to sell all merchandise of all Presenters, including speakers, entertainers, and music ministry at the Main Campus Summer Conferences, including but not limited to, books, CDs, DVDs, t-shirts, clothing, and any religious goods and articles.  Since the University Bookstore is an ongoing retail store, merchandise will be purchased directly from vendors/publishers, except for a Presenter who is the sole distributor of their merchandise.

Presenters who are sole distributors must contact the Bookstore at least 30 days before a conference to receive prior authorization.  During the authorization process, retail selling price and cost to the Bookstore will be determined.  Franciscan University Bookstore requires a minimum 30% discount off the retail price.  For example, if the Presenter’s regular retail price is $10, then the Bookstore will buy from Presenter for $7 and sell to customers at $10. 

Upon authorization, merchandise may be shipped to the Bookstore, or may be hand-delivered to the Bookstore before a conference begins.  At drop off, and at the time of pickup after a conference, a Bookstore staff member will count the items with the Presenter (or their designated representative).  To prevent confusion or misunderstanding at the time of payment, quantity must be confirmed by signatures of both parties.  

Any summer conference retail location outside of the JC Williams Center must receive prior approval from the Vendor Committee.

Summer conference literature distribution: Distribution of literature during the summer conferences will be limited to specific tables and/or locations that have been approved by the Vendor Committee. Literature must be consistent with the mission statement of the University and must not promote organizations or events that are in direct competition with the University. Any group or organization wishing to distribute literature at the summer conferences must receive prior approval from the Conference Operations Manager at least ten (10) days prior to the conference.

Local Vendors/Organizations

Local Organizations are prohibited from fundraising on campus except during certain events, to which they are invited (i.e. Medieval Festival, summer conferences).  Vendors may be required to provide proof of insurance.  A certificate of insurance naming Franciscan University as additional insured may be required at the discretion of Business Services.  Food vendors will be required to provide a copy of mobile food license and a certificate of insurance naming Franciscan University as additional insured to Business Services.  

Advertising:  Local vendors may advertise on campus by providing 8½” x 11” posters, coupons, purchase space in the Troubadour (school newspaper), social networking, and/or direct mailing through the United States Postal Service (USPS).  Vendors shall submit posters and/or coupons to the Information Desk in JC Williams Center to post.  Prohibited Advertising:  flyers on vehicles, apartments at Assisi Heights, directly through office visits, campus mail or the University’s e-mail system to faculty, staff, and/or students, and undesignated areas.  The words and/or logos of Franciscan, Franciscan University, or Franciscan University of Steubenville shall not appear on the advertising.  Distribution of prohibited advertising flyers and/or postings shall be brought to the of Business Services attention.