
Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to dismiss a student from the MSN program. Reasons for dismissal include, but are not limited to:

  • Repetitive violation of nursing ethics as outlined in the ANA Code of Ethics
  • Failure to maintain an overall QPA of 3.0
  • Failure to obtain a 3.0 in specialization core curriculum courses
  • Inappropriate or disruptive behavior toward colleagues, faculty, as well as staff at school or at clinical placement settings
  • An inability to carry out one’s assignments in a clinical practicum
  • A breach of school or clinical placement policy
  • A hostile or resistant attitude toward learning or supervision
  • Plagiarism/cheating
  • Evidence of chemical dependency or illegal drug use while enrolled in the program
  • Conviction of a felony during the course study

It is the hope of the MSN program that problems will not develop to the point of dismissal. If a problem occurs that jeopardizes the standing of a student in the program, the Admissions, Progression, and Graduation Committee of the Department of Nursing will be informed and will evaluate the situation. In the case of dismissal, the University’s Academic Review Board will issue written dismissal status to the student. If a student feels he or she was treated unfairly during the dismissal, he or she has the right to have his or her situation reviewed through the grievance/ appeal process.