Summer Fellowships


Faculty are encouraged to apply for summer fellowships if they are conducting research or engaged in a significant amount of additional study that will result in the recipient’s professional development. These fellowships are intended for those faculty members who will be doing a significant amount of work but not as much as a sabbatical leave would entail. The work for these fellowships should be completed during the University’s summer months. The amount of the Summer Fellowship is in excess of $8,875 and increases periodically (typically every five years) with the goal of matching average raise in the salary pool each year.

Summer fellowships are intended to provide a period of uninterrupted time, similar in nature to a sabbatical (see section above), to be used exclusively in the pursuit of a project intended to result in publication or some other tangible expression of scholarship and/or professional development.

Any full-time teaching faculty member who has served the University for one or more years is eligible to apply for a summer fellowship. Thus, the earliest possible award would be for the summer following a faculty member’s second year at the University.

Since summer fellowships are intended to provide for uninterrupted time, recipients should have six to eight weeks of the summer to dedicate to the fellowship. Summer fellows cannot teach more than the equivalent of one course during the summer.

Recipients of summer fellowships are expected to return to Elon University for at least one year. Recipients who fail to complete one year of full-time service at Elon University immediately following their fellowship grant will be required to repay the monies of the grant unless the University terminates their employment.

Applications for a summer fellowship should be made via the online form provided by the Faculty Research and Development Committee. All applications for summer fellowships for the following summer must be submitted on-line and both the chair and dean are notified of your application by the published deadline, (typically November 1).

The decision of the Faculty Research and Development Committee will be reached through blind review of the proposals and will be based on the criteria stated in the beginning of this section and the merits of each individual case. The Faculty Research and Development Committee will report its decisions to the Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity.

A report of fellowship activities completed by the recipient should address the following:

  • The research or development objectives accomplished during the summer
  • The refinements or changes, if any, to the original research or development plan
  • A description of how the summer fellowship project has influenced the teaching, mentoring, or future scholarship activities of the recipient

The completed report form should be sent to the Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity by September 15 of the year of the grant.

The publication of the results of research projects supported by a grant from the University should include a printed acknowledgment of financial assistance from the University.