General Criteria for Awarding the Funds


  • The project contributes to a discipline(s), the University, and/or the public good. Projects that have the most potential to result in a scholarly product, have significant impact, and/or gain recognition outside of the Elon University, are looked upon favorably. (Elon has a broad view of scholarship, as defined in the Teacher-Scholar Statement.)
  • The project benefits the faculty member’s career as a teacher-scholar. Projects that have the most potential to contribute to the faculty member’s effectiveness as a teacher-scholar are looked upon favorably.
  • Other Considerations:
  • The proposal’s clarity in addressing the above criteria is important. The proposal is, in essence, a persuasive document and should be addressed to a committee composed of faculty representatives from a variety of disciplines. All things being equal, the committee looks favorably upon awarding those who have received little or no funding from the Faculty Research and Development Committee in the past.
  • The history of FR&D support and outcomes may be considered when making new awards.
  • FR&D prioritizes sabbatical leaves for funding over all other funding requests. All acceptable sabbatical leave proposals are funded.