Faculty Research and Development Committee

Correct as of September 13, 2023
  Standing Committee
Office Member Member's Department Description of Position Selection Method (See list below) Voting Member Term Length Term Years
Amy Overman Provost and Academic Affairs Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity ex-officio Yes - -
Bonnie Bruno Sponsored Programs Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs ex-officio No - -
Year One (Group A)
  Pamela Winfield Religious Studies At-Large Faculty Member (#1) 1 Yes 2 years 2022-2024
Mark Weaver Statistics At-Large Faculty Member (#2) 1 Yes 3 years 2023-2026

Yidi Wu History At-Large Faculty Member (#3) 1 Yes 3 years 2023-2026
Juan Leal-Ugale Spanish At-Large Faculty Member (#4) 1 Yes 2 years


(possibly 2023-2026)

Year Two (Group B)

Ifeoma Udeh Accounting Faculty Member from School of Business 1 Yes 2 years 2023-2025*
Chair Rozana Carducci
Education and Wellness Faculty Member from School of Education 1 Yes 2 years 2022-2024
Jenny Jiang Communication Design Faculty Member from School of Communications 1 Yes 2 years 2023-2025*
  Jack Magill Physical Therapy Education Faculty Member from School of Health Sciences 1 Yes 2 years 2023-2025*

Li Li               English Faculty Member from CAS: Arts and Humanities 1 Yes 2 years 2023-2025*

Will Pluer Engineering Faculty Member from CAS: Mathematics/Natural Sciences 1 Yes 2 years 2023-2025*

Tony Reyes

Human Service Studies Faculty Member from CAS: Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 Yes 2 years 2023-2025*
Methods of Selection for this Committee:
1 =Appointed by Academic Council in Spring Semester
**Remaining on committee one additional year to account for hiatus during service-light year
*New to committee