ACC 6300 Advanced Financial Accounting
This course provides an in-depth study of advanced topics in financial reporting, with emphasis placed on business combinations, consolidation procedures, and partnership accounting.
ACC 3330 and MSA Graduate Admission
Fall or Spring
Course Outcomes
- Students will be able to understand and explain different methods of business expansions and the types of acquisition.
- Students will be able to understand and explain the difference between accounting for investments carried at fair value and investment accounted for using the equity method.
- Students will be able to understand the issues related to accounting for business combinations and preparing consolidated financial statements.
- Students will be able to identify and calculate goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets resulting from business combinations.
- Students will be able to understand foreign currency translation concepts and be able to calculate gains or losses from translation of foreign currencies.
- Students will be able to understand and explain the nature, regulation, as well as accounting and reporting for partnership formation, operations, and changes in membership.