H. Failure to Complete Conduct Sanctions

All students, as members of the University community, are expected to comply with conduct sanctions within the time frame specified in the hearing decision. Students or organizations who do not complete sanctions by the assigned due date, whether by refusal, neglect or any other reason, may be charged with the code of conduct violation of “Failure to Comply with the Directive of a University Official,” receive additional or more serious sanctions, and/or be withdrawn from the University. (In the case of an organization, being “withdrawn” is equated with loss of University recognition as a registered student organization.) 


To re-enroll or regain recognition as an organization, a student/group must have satisfactorily completed all (including any additionally assigned) conduct sanctions. This determination will be made by the assistant dean of students for student health & wellness and honor code (or designee).


Students who graduate with outstanding sanctions may be considered “not in good standing” with the University and restricted from returning to campus until the required conditions are met. 

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