Implementation of Sanctions


The Provost/Executive Vice President is responsible for implementing sanctions and will follow all relevant existing procedures.

In cases where the sanctions assigned to the accused include either dismissal or suspension, the accused’s case may be heard by Academic Council (see Faculty Bylaws Article VI, Section 3 with the recommendation of the Council being provided to the President. Tenured faculty may also request that the Board of Trustees review the recommendations of Academic Council and the President, in accordance with procedure in the section on the Dismissal of Tenured Teaching Faculty .

In cases where the corrective actions assigned to the accused do not include either dismissal or suspension, and the accused believes that the corrective actions assigned are excessive or inappropriate, the accused can request that Academic Council serve as a hearing committee to review the assigned sanctions. The accused must make this request to the Chair of Academic Council within seven calendar days of the Provost’s determination of sanctions, and the Council must hold a hearing concerning the sanctions within 14 calendar days of receiving the request by the accused employee. The Council must then provide a written recommendation to the Provost/Executive Vice President within seven calendar days of the conclusion of the hearing. Within seven calendar days of receiving the recommendation of Council, the Provost/Executive Vice President will then provide a final written statement of sanctions to the accused, the accused’s supervisor, the ADHRER, and, in cases involving sex discrimination or sexual harassment, the University’s Title IX Deputy Officer or Title IX Officer as applicable, and in cases of disabilities discrimination, the 504 Officer.