Experiential Education Advisory Committee

Correct as of January 11, 2016

Y22N Advisory Committee

Office Member Member's Department Description of Position Selection Method (See list below) Voting Member Term Length Term Year s

Paul Miller
Exercise Science
Provost/Executive Vice President, or designee ex-officio Yes - -

Evan Heiser Department Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, or designee ex-officio Yes - -

Jeffrey Coker Biology Director of Elon Core Curriculum, or designee ex-officio Yes - -

Laurin Kier
Tutorial Services
Administrator for the Elon Engagement Scholarship ex-officio Yes - -
  Evan Gatti
 Art History
 Associate Director of Core Curriculum

Professional Staff and Faculty Directors for each ELR program

(Paul Miller) Exercise Science Director of Undergraduate Research ex-officio Yes -

Steven Mencarini Leadership Director of Leadership ex-officio Yes -

Woody Pelton Global Education
Director of Study Abroad/Study USA ex-officio
Yes -

Mary Morrison
Kernodle Center for Service Learning
Director of Service Learning ex-officio
Yes -

Debby Wall
Student Professional Development Center
Director of Internships ex-officio
Yes - -

Pam Brumbaugh
Student Professional Development Center
Provost's appointee, Director of Experiential Education

  Mark Dalhouse
Global Education
Provost's appointee, Interim Director of Domestic Programs
  Rhonda Waller
Global Education
Director of Study Abroad

Faculty Fellows for each of the ELR programs

Sharon Hodge Marketing Faculty Fellow for Service Learning ex-officio
Yes -

Frances Ward-Johnson Communications Faculty Fellow for Leadership ex-officio
Yes - -

Alexa Darby Psychology Faculty Fellow for Internships ex-officio
Yes - -

Donna Van Bodegraven World Languages and Cultures Faculty Fellow for Study Abroad ex-officio
Yes - -

** These positions are not in the Faculty Handbook and will be allowed to expire at the end of 2015-2016.