Academic Catalog 2023-24

BIO 1500 Slithering, Slimy, Scaly, and Sticky Animals " Herpetology 101"

Do you have an affinity for exotic pets? Especially cold-blooded ones? Or maybe you are interested in learning more about amphibians and reptiles? This course will give you an introduction to herpetology (the study of amphibians and reptiles), captive animal care, and a few techniques that herpetologists use to study these animals. Possible topics include: an introduction to the diversity of amphibians and reptiles of the world, exploration of the natural history of California amphibians and reptiles, captive animal care and enclosure design (zoos and pets), common ailments of captive and wild animals, and a broad overview of surveying techniques (with a focus on frog call surveys). This course uses the platforms Moodle, Zoom, and YouTube and is taught in eight synchronous lessons. Students need reliable internet access. Recommended for new and returning students.


1.00 unit