2020-2021 Catalog

Appeal Procedures

A student has the right to appeal a student code of conduct decision for a period of 7 days after notification of the conduct decision. Criteria for appeal include:

  • Procedural or Substantive Error: A material procedural or substantive error occurred that significantly impacted the outcome of the hearing (e.g. substantiated bias, material deviation from established procedures); which must be explained in the written appeal. If the appeals officer or committee determines that a material procedural or substantive error occurred, it may return the complaint to the CSSO or designee with instructions to reconvene to cure the error.  In rare cases, where the procedural or substantive error cannot be cured by the CSSO or designee in cases of bias, the appeals officer or committee may order a new hearing be held by a different individual acting in the place of the designated CSSO or designee.  The results of a reconvened hearing cannot be appealed.  The results of a new hearing can be appealed, once, on the two applicable grounds for appeals. 
  • New Information or Evidence: To consider new evidence, unavailable during the investigation or hearing that could substantially impact the original finding or sanction. A summary of this new evidence and its potential impact must be included in the written appeal, as well as the reasons the new evidence was not available during the original proceeding. 

    If the appeals officer or committee determines that new evidence should be considered, it will return the complaint to the CSSO or designee to reconsider in light of the new evidence, only.  If the subject matter pertains to discrimination and/or harassment pursuant to SP 4-31a, the appeals officer or committee will return the complaint to the Title IX/EO Coordinator to reconsider in light of the new evidence, only.  The reconsideration of the CSSO, designee, or Title IX/EO Coordinator is not appealable.

The request for an appeal must be submitted in writing to the Dean of Students, Dra. Reyna Anaya at Reyna.Anaya@ccaurora.edu. In your written appeal, you must explain how your appeal meets one of the two criteria listed above.

After you submit an appeal:

  • You will receive written notice of an appeal review
  • An appeals officer or committee will do an initial review to determine if the appeal meets the limited grounds and is timely.
  • If it is determined to meet the appeal guidelines, it will be reviewed and determine if there has been an error or new evidence warrants a new hearing.
  • You will receive written notification if approved or denied.

For additional information about the conduct appeal process see https://www.ccaurora.edu/student-conduct-appeal-process.