BUSN 2700 Introduction to Health Informatics
Emphasizes essential beginning skills for introductory health informatics practice. This course presents the past,
present, and future of this rapidly evolving discipline, and explore the critical issues and challenges within the field as well
as potential applications, benefits, and opportunities for improving the management of healthcare through information
technology. Topics include development of virtual and interactive healthcare through technology; interoperability,
standardization, safety, and risks associated with the implementation of the electronic health record; emergence and
adoption of new information technologies; and global perspective of trends and issues in the field. Students investigate
the professional roles related to managing health information technology as well as organizations that promote health
informatics. Students conduct in-depth investigations on a specific health informatics positions to learn the
responsibilities, essential skills sets, and professional and educational requirements of the job
BUSN 1010 or BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090
CIST 1001