General Education Summary

Upon completion of the requirements and the attainment of a Bachelor’s degree from Centre College, each graduate of the College will develop their skills in Cognition, Communication, Community, Connection, Creativity, and Critical Thinking:

  1. Cognition: Develop strategies to evaluate the process of learning and thinking;
  2. Communication: Effectively write, speak, and read using a variety of modes including numbers, images, and a second language;
  3. Community: Respectfully engage with a range of diverse social and ecological communities;
  4. Connection: Ask questions and solve problems in ways that connect different academic disciplines and perspectives;
  5. Creativity: Think and act in innovative and creative ways;
  6. Critical Thinking: Use knowledge and skills to analyze your world and to solve complex problems.

Summary of Requirements


Doctrina Lux Mentis 110 & 210

2 courses; 6 credit hours

Second Language

1-2 courses; 3-8 credit hours


1 course; 3 credit hours


0-1 course; 0-3 credit hours

Arts and Humanities

2 courses; 6 credit hours

Social Studies

2 courses; 6 credit hours

Science and Math

2 courses; 7-8 credit hours


1 course; 0-4 credit hours


1 course; 0-4 credit hours

Experiential Learning

2 courses; 4-8 credit hours

Interdisciplinary Capstone

1 course; 3 credit hours

TOTAL (for General Education)

15-18 courses; 38-59 credit hours

TOTAL REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION (General Education + Major + electives)

110 credit hours