AY6113 Ayurvedic Nutrition II – lecture only

This series provides an understanding of nutrition from the ayurvedic perspective and develops the necessary skills, competency and confidence in using ayurvedic nutrition to maintain or regain a healthy balance in body, mind and soul. This series covers the use of food, spices, preparation methods, qualities, routines, rituals and fasting to restore balance for conditions as far as pathogenesis stage 3 for populations age 5 and older, including pre-/post-natal women. This course instructs students in the use of foods, spices, churnas (powders), teas, preparation methods, routines, rituals, and fasting as pathways to restore balance from as far as stage 3 of pathogenesis, based on agni (digestive fire) and ama (toxins), prakruti/vikruti (balance/imbalance), the seasons and environmental conditions. This course addresses ayurvedic nutrition for pre-/post-natal conditions as far as stage 3 of pathogenesis.




