2020-2021 Undergraduate General Catalog

RELI 264 Religion and the Environment (RT)(E)

Religious views about the environment have profound impacts. Examining religious views about what the environment is, what its importance is, and what humans’ relationship to it is reveals ideas behind many modern day approaches to the environment. The religious component to environmental views—views promoting the environment as a good in itself and views promoting the notion of the environment as a means to human ends—is explored in this class. Students will interpret religious texts, explain key concepts in various religious and philosophical perspectives, and orally articulate theological viewpoints.



Cross Listed Courses

This course covers philosophical and theological topics together, and so a student should be able to receive either philosophy or religion credit. The Cross-listed course should be PHIL 264 (which would be a newly-created course number) Additionally, This course can cross list as ENST 202: Environmental Culture and meets the objectives to a) introduce students to new ways of examining the culture and environment around us; b) examine the relationship between culture and environment; c) analyze the ways culture and environment influence one another; and d) evaluate different cultural approaches to understanding our environment and our place in it. So, the course should be cross listed as ENST 202.


RELI 110 is a prerequisite for all 200 level RELI courses.


David O'Hara can also teach this class