2021-22 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide



Effective Date


Information Updated/Changed

V. Grievance Procedure Policy


Update to Area B4f

f. If a resolution is not reached at the institution level, or if you believe that the nature of the complaint or its impact on the system, as a whole, warrants an immediate review by the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) administration, contact the TCSG Student Affairs Coordinator at studentaffairs@tcsg.edu or call (404) 679-1692:


i. To submit a student grievance at the state level, follow the TCSG Student Concern/Complaint

Instructions and use the Program Integrity Complaint Form.

ii. Students residing outside of the State of Georgia who are taking an online course may also file a complaint with an agency located in their state. Information for state regulatory agencies is here (http://www.gvtc.org/Portals/40/States/TCSG%20StudentComplaints.pd)

iii. If the issue is not resolved at the institution or state level, students may take their grievance to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.*


f. If a resolution is not reached at the institution level, or if you believe that the nature of the complaint or its impact on the system, as a whole, warrants an immediate review by the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) administration, contact the TCSG Student Affairs Coordinator at studentaffairs@tcsg.edu or call (404) 679-1692:

i. To submit a student grievance at the state level use the Program Integrity Complaint Form.

ii. If the issue is not resolved at the institution or state level, students may appeal to the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (GNPEC); however, please note that the Commission will not investigate a complaint unless the student has exhausted all available grievance procedures outlined by the institution. GNPEC does not resolve complaints about student grades and student conduct violations.  These complaints fall under the jurisdiction of institutional policy.

Cover Page 2/23/2022  Replaced former square logo with new format long logo  
Colors 2/23/2022  Replaced School colors Kelly Green



Heritage Green


Mascot 2/23/2022 Removed former rendition of mascot and replace with new  
Alma Mater 2/23/2022 Replaced old color with new

On Augusta’s southern borders

And three towns nearby                              
Proudly stands our Alma Mater
As the years go by


Training many scholar students                            
To employ and hire
Proudly wearing college colors

Green and white mint attire


Graduation is good times

To celebrate good cheers with peers

Family friends appreciate

Augusta Tech we adore

Augusta Tech we all adore

ATC, Alma Mater, is for now and ever more
Standing proudly,

Augusta Tech we all adore.

                                                                BJenkins/FGavin 2019

Statement of Equal Opportunity 2/23/2022 Removed Julie Langham's information  
VI. Unlawful Harassment and Discrimination of Students 2/23/2022  Removed Julie Langham's information