Fall Semester 2018 Catalog

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are arranged in alphabetical-numerical order. FOUR numbers shown after the course title indicate in sequence: number of hours in class per week; number of hours in demonstration laboratory per week; number of hours in practical performance laboratory and/or occupation-based instruction per week; and number of credit hours for the course.  College Credit is designated for developmental courses by the letters I.C. following the number of Credit Hours. Developmental courses cannot be used for elective credit to meet graduation requirements. Unless otherwise specified, regular admission is a prerequisite for registration for all credit courses.

Class is defined as instruction which emphasizes group or individualized classroom learning. Demonstration laboratory is defined as instruction which emphasizes teacher assisted learning activities. Practical performance laboratory is defined as instruction which emphasizes structured activities requiring the application and practice of occupational competencies. Occupation-based instruction is defined as instruction which emphasizes supervised work-experience activities requiring the application of occupational competencies.