Sport Management—Certificate

Website: Sport Management

School: Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing and Health Professions

The Department of Human Performance in the School of Nursing and Health Professions offers a 15-hour graduate certificate in Sport Management. These courses, if applicable, may be used as part of the requirements for a graduate degree if the student is later admitted as a degree-seeking student.

Graduate Certificate in Sport Management

The graduate certificate requires 15 credit hours of study. 

Required Coursework

Select five courses from this list of courses.
KEHP 6379/KEHP 7379Adapted Physical Activity and Sport


SMGT 6375Sport Governance and Legal Issues in a Global Environment


SMGT 6380/SMGT 7380Sport Management, Administration and Finance


SMGT 6382/SMGT 7382Human Resources in Sport Management


SMGT 6384/SMGT 7384Leadership and Organization in Sport Management


SMGT 6390/SMGT 7390Research and Decision Analysis in Sport Management


Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 15