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Course Descriptions
ACCT - Accounting
ADED - Adult Education
ADMN - Administration
ANGD - Game Development
APHS - Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences
ATHP - Athletic Training
BFIN - Finance
BINT - International Business
BLAW - Business Law
BMGT - Management
BMKT - Marketing
BMSC - Biomedical Sciences
COMM - Communication Arts
CRIJ - Criminal Justice Administration and Leadership
DBA - Business Administration
DPT - Physical Therapy
ECON - Economics
EDEC - Early Childhood Education
EDKE-Education Kinesiology
EDLD - Educational Leadership
EDRD - Literacy Education
EDSP - Special Education
EDUC - General Education
EVAL - Program Evaluation
GRAD - Graduate Studies
HADM - Health Administration
HCAD Healthcare Administration
HIED - Higher Education
INDR - Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INEE - International Education and Entrepreneurship
KEHP - Kinesiology
MATH - Mathematics
MIS - Management Information Systems
MSDA - Data Analytics
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OMED - Osteopathic Medicine
OPT - Optometry
ORGD - Organizational Development
ORGL - Organizational Leadership
OTD - Occupational Therapy
PHAR - Pharmacy
PMBA - Business Administration
PMIN - Pastoral Institute
PSYC - Psychology
PUHL - Public Health
SMGT - Sport Management
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2022-2023 Graduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
/ NURS - Nursing
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NURS - Nursing
NURS 4265
Community Health Nursing Clinical Practicum
NURS 4365
Community Health Nursing
NURS 4460
Bridge to the MSN
NURS 6315
Resource Management for Nurse Leaders
NURS 6321
Nursing Theory for Advanced Practice
NURS 6323
Advanced Health Assessment
NURS 6325
Advanced Pathophysiology
NURS 6331
Population Health Assessment
NURS 6333
Nursing Leadership and Theory
NURS 6337
Quality Improvement for Nurse Leaders
NURS 6341
Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nursing
NURS 6347
Healthcare Economics and Financial Management
NURS 6355
Nursing Research and Theory
NURS 6358
Curriculum Development in Nursing
NURS 6361
Health Policy and Ethics for Nurses
NURS 6368
Teaching in Schools of Nursing/Institutions
NURS 6371
Aggregate Health III
NURS 6375
Advanced Organizational Leadership
NURS 6390
Informatics in HealthCare
NURS 6394
Clinical Nurse Leader Immersion
NURS 6399
Selected Topics
NURS 6435
Program Development and Evaluation
NURS 6452
Aggregate Health II
NURS 6457
Adult/Gerontology CNS III: Seminar and Preceptorship
NURS 6537
Adult Gerontology CNS I: Diagnosis and Management of Acute and Chronic Illness of Adults
NURS 6547
Adult/Gerontology CNS II: The Roles of the CNS
NURS 7225
Concepts of Evaluation and Dissemination
NURS 7240
Data Management and Analysis
NURS 7287
Psychiatric Clinical Seminar
NURS 7288
Clinical Skills Seminar
NURS 7309
Informatics in HealthCare
NURS 7315
Resource Management for Nurse Leaders
NURS 7320
Principles of Evidence-based Practice
NURS 7321
Nursing Theory for Advanced Practice
NURS 7323
Advanced Health Assessment
NURS 7325
Advanced Pathophysiology
NURS 7331
Neurobiology and Pathogenesis of Psychiatric Disorders
NURS 7333
Advanced Psychopharmacology for the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
NURS 7337
Statistics for Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice
NURS 7340
Theoretical Issues with Culturally Diverse and Vulnerable Population Groups
NURS 7341
Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nursing
NURS 7342
Clinical Practicum Bridge for DNP
NURS 7345
The Foundations for Doctor of Nursing Practice: Scientific Underpinnings of Practice
NURS 7355
Research for Evidence Based Practice
NURS 7358
Curriculum Development in Nursing
NURS 7359
Doctor of Nursing Practice—Project I
NURS 7360
Health Policy Analysis
NURS 7365
Doctor of Nursing Practice II: The Capstone
NURS 7368
Teaching in Schools of Nursing/Institutions
NURS 7370
Quality and Safety in Healthcare
NURS 7371
Project III: Evaluation and Sustainment
NURS 7372
Healthcare Economics and Finances
NURS 7373
Health Policy Leadership
NURS 7374
Clinical Inquiry for DNP
NURS 7375
Foundations for System Leadership
NURS 7380
Doctor of Nursing Practice—Project II
NURS 7381
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Professional Roles
NURS 7387
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Residency
NURS 7393
Doctor of Nursing Practice—Project III
NURS 7399
Selected Topics
NURS 7410
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practice I: Advanced Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing across the Lifespan (Diagnosis and Management)
NURS 7414
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practice II: Advanced Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing across the Lifespan (Diagnosis and Management)
NURS 7418
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practice III: Advanced Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing across the Lifespan (Diagnosis and Management)
NURS 7440
Epidemiology and Vulnerable Populations for Advanced Nursing Practice
NURS 7447
Individual, Family, and Group Psychotherapy
NURS 7450
Integrated Behavioral Health and Family Systems
NURS 7460
Project I: Translation of Evidence
NURS 7461
Project II: Implementation of Evidence
NURS 7480
Family Nurse Practitioner I: Primary Care of Adults (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
NURS 7482
Family Nurse Practitioner II: Primary Care of Adults (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
NURS 7484
Family Nurse Practitioner III: Primary Care of Women (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
NURS 7486
Family Nurse Practitioner IV: Primary Care of Children and Adolescents (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
NURS 7487
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Residency
NURS 7488
Family Nurse Practitioner Residency
NURS 7650
Evidence Based Methods and Practice I
NURS 7655
Evidence Based Methods and Practice II
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