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Accelerated Degree Programs
Master's Degrees
Doctorate Degrees
Graduate Certificates
Course Descriptions
ACCT - Accounting
ADED - Adult Education
ADMN - Administration
ANGD - Game Development
APHS - Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences
ATHP - Athletic Training
BFIN - Finance
BINT - International Business
BLAW - Business Law
BMGT - Management
BMKT - Marketing
BMSC - Biomedical Sciences
COMM - Communication Arts
CRIJ - Criminal Justice Administration and Leadership
DBA - Business Administration
DPT - Physical Therapy
ECON - Economics
EDEC - Early Childhood Education
EDKE-Education Kinesiology
EDLD - Educational Leadership
EDRD - Literacy Education
EDSP - Special Education
EDUC - General Education
EVAL - Program Evaluation
GRAD - Graduate Studies
HADM - Health Administration
HCAD Healthcare Administration
HIED - Higher Education
INDR - Interdisciplinary Doctorate
INEE - International Education and Entrepreneurship
KEHP - Kinesiology
MATH - Mathematics
MIS - Management Information Systems
MSDA - Data Analytics
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OMED - Osteopathic Medicine
OPT - Optometry
ORGD - Organizational Development
ORGL - Organizational Leadership
OTD - Occupational Therapy
PHAR - Pharmacy
PMBA - Business Administration
PMIN - Pastoral Institute
PSYC - Psychology
PUHL - Public Health
SMGT - Sport Management
VISC - Vision Science
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2022-2023 Graduate Catalog
Course Descriptions
/ EDUC - General Education
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EDUC - General Education
Clinical Teaching
EDUC 6301
Introduction to Educational Research
EDUC 6302
Introduction to Quantitative Research
EDUC 6303
Counseling Techniques in Higher Education
EDUC 6304
Theories of Learning
EDUC 6305
Multicultural Concepts in Education
EDUC 6306
Philosophical Foundations in Education
EDUC 6307
Critical Theory in Education
EDUC 6308
Leaderships, Ethics, Profession in Education
EDUC 6309
Legal Issues in Student Affairs
EDUC 6310
Technology in Education
EDUC 6312
Writing for Publication
EDUC 6313
Teaching and Learning in Elementary Settings
EDUC 6314
Disciplinary Literacy and the English Learner
EDUC 6315
Assessment in the Classroom
EDUC 6316
Models of Teaching
EDUC 6317
Curriculum Design for Elementary Settings
EDUC 6318
Disciplinary Literacy and the English Learner
EDUC 6319
Academic Writing for Research
EDUC 6321
Pedagogy in the Elementary School
EDUC 6322
Assessment Tools for Teaching
EDUC 6323
Integrative Pedagogy for Elementary
EDUC 6324
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum and Environment for the Young Child
EDUC 6325
Teaching and Learning in Secondary Settings
EDUC 6326
Behavioral Management
EDUC 6327
Curriculum Design for Secondary Settings
EDUC 6329
Teacher Apprenticeship
EDUC 6331
Seminar in Online and Blended Technology
EDUC 6333
Action Research
EDUC 6334
Leadership and Administration in Student Affairs
EDUC 6338
Contemporary Issues in Organizational Leadership
EDUC 6341
Developing Effective Training with Technology
EDUC 6343
Curriculum Leadership
EDUC 6344
Leadership and Technology
EDUC 6346
Organizational Theory and Development
EDUC 6348
Applied Leadership and Followership
EDUC 6351
Learning Technologies and Organizational Change
EDUC 6353
Supporting Teachers and Teaching
EDUC 6357
Trends and Issues in Technology
EDUC 6360
Methods and Materials of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
EDUC 6361
Clinical Teaching/Internship Seminar
EDUC 6369
Curriculum Design for Elementary Settings
EDUC 6372
The College Environment
EDUC 6373
Acquisition of a Second Language
EDUC 6376
Linguistics for the ESL Classroom
EDUC 6378
Reading and Writing in the ESL Classroom
EDUC 6379
Second Language Instruction Through the Content Areas
EDUC 6380
Practicum in TEFL/TEST
EDUC 6383
Professional Seminar in Student Affairs
EDUC 6394
Practicum in Student Affairs
EDUC 6398
Independent Study
EDUC 6399
Selected Topics
Capstone in Education
Capstone and Teacher Leadership
EDUC 7303
Counseling Techniques in Higher Education
EDUC 7304
Theories of Learning
EDUC 7305
Multicultural Concepts in Education
EDUC 7306
Philosophical Foundations in Education
EDUC 7307
Critical Theory in Education
EDUC 7309
Legal Issues in Student Affairs
EDUC 7312
Writing for Publication
EDUC 7319
Academic Writing for Research
EDUC 7333
Action Research
EDUC 7334
Leadership and Administration in Student Affairs
EDUC 7336
Technology and Today's Learner
EDUC 7338
Contemporary Issues in Organizational Leadership
EDUC 7344
Leadership and Technology
EDUC 7345
Theories of Change
EDUC 7346
Organizational Theory and Development
EDUC 7351
Learning Technologies and Organizational Change
EDUC 7352
Advanced Research Analytics
EDUC 7360
Cross-Cultural Comunication: Teaching in Other Countries
EDUC 7372
The College Environment
EDUC 7383
Professional Seminar in Student Affairs
EDUC 7394
Practicum in Student Affairs
EDUC 7398
Independent Study
EDUC 7399
Selected Topics
EDUC 8330
History and Philosophy of Higher Education
EDUC 8390
Law in Higher Education
EDUC 8395
Practicum in Higher Education
EDUC 8399
Selected Topic in General Education
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