
Pre-Law Concentration

Pre-Law Course Descriptions

The Pre-Law program is designed primarily to develop the skills necessary for success in law school, focusing on reading comprehension, analytical writing, and oral communication. Students of any major are encouraged to enroll in the Pre-Law Concentration, as the practice of law connects to many undergraduate majors and as law schools continue to favor cultivating diverse admissions classes. The Department of Political Science offers a series of law-related courses designed to familiarize students with the U.S. legal system and to develop the skills necessary for success on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) and performance in first-year law school classes, including speaking, writing, reading, and research. In addition to the courses for credit, the Pre-Law program hosts events and activities related to the practice of law, such as moot court competitions, Constitution Day, the student Pre-Law Society, participation in law school admissions fairs and conferences, and presentations by members of the legal community.


Required Courses (15 Semester Hours)

GOVT 1315American Politics

GOVT 2392Intro to U.S. Legal System

PHIL 1381Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 3312Logic

COMM 1311Public Speaking

Electives (6 Semester Hours)

ENGL 3360Rhetorical Criticism

GOVT 2350Environmental Politics

GOVT 3300U.S. Congress

GOVT 3375Moot Court

GOVT 4315Constit Law I/Institutnl Power

GOVT 4316Constit Law II/Civil Liberties

GOVT 4330International Law

PHIL 3332Ethics

PHIL 3385Justice:Traditn/Transformation

Analytical Writing/Communication Requirement (3 Semester Hours)

ENGL 2365Prof/Technical Communication


ENGL 3355Classical Rhetorical Theory

Research Requirement (3 Semester Hours)

GOVT 2325Social Science Research Method

 3 semester hour Methods equivalent can be substituted with approval from advisor/dean.

Law School Preparation (1 Semester Hour)

GOVT 3111Law School Prep Colloquium