
Statistics (B.S.)


39 semester hours in Statistics and supporting Mathematics courses including:

A. Statistics Core (27 hours)

MATH 2312Calculus I

MATH 2313Calculus II

MATH 2322Linear Algebra

MATH 3314Calculus III

MATH 3320Foundations of Higher Mathematics

MATH 3331Foundations of Probability and Statistics

MATH 3332Foundations of Statistical Inference

MATH 4325Design of Experiments

MATH 4333Regression Analysis

B. Mathematics and Statistics Electives (12 hours)

Select 12 hours from the following list, or Special Topics courses as approved by the Chair:

MATH 3337Stochastic Processes

MATH 4196Mathematics Reading and Research II

MATH 4295Mathematics Reading and Research I

MATH 4330Survival Analysis

MATH 4340Multivariate Analysis

MATH 4345Bayesian Statistics

MATH 4355Categorical Data Analysis

MATH 4360Time Series Analysis

MATH 4365Data Mining and Bioinformatics