
Broadcast Meteorology (B.S.)


87 semester hours in science and other courses as follows:

1. 46 semester hours in Meteorology:

METR 1325Natural Hazards

METR 1360Climatology

METR 1430Meteorology

METR 3190Meteorology Instrumentation Lab

METR 3310Radar Meteorology

METR 3320Forecasting I

METR 3325Thermodynamic Meteorology

METR 3330Forecasting II

METR 3335Severe Weather

METR 3340Hydrology

METR 3356Synoptic Meteorology

METR 3360Satellite Meteorology

METR 3390Meteorology Instrumentation

METR 4210Capstone in Broadcast Meteorology

METR 4310Weathercasting I

METR 4320Weathercasting II

2. 3 advanced hours meteorology selected from the following:

METR 4315Air Pollution Meteorology

METR 4325Climate Modeling

METR 3345Statistical Climatology

METR 3355Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Meteorology

METR 3365Atmospheric Physics

METR 3375Atmospheric Dynamics

METR 4330Micrometeorology

METR 4340Precipitation Physics and Weather Modification

METR 4371Special Topics in Meteorology

3. Oceanography

GEOL 1420Oceanography

4. Broadcast Communication Courses

a. COMM 1301, Introduction to Mass Communication
COMM 1301Introduction to Mass Communication

b. COMM 3360, Video Production II
COMM 3360Video Production II

c. Six hours COMM from the following:
COMM 3353Broadcast Journalism

COMM 3380Announcing/Performance

COMM 3390Radio Practicum

COMM 3395Television Practicum

5. 12 semester hours in Mathematics:

MATH 1311Precalculus

MATH 2312Calculus I

MATH 2313Calculus II

MATH 2314Differential Equations

6. 8 semester hours in Physics:

PHYS 2305/PHYS 2105Physics I and Lab

PHYS 2105Physics Laboratory I

PHYS 2306/PHYS 2106Physics II and Lab

PHYS 2106Physics Laboratory II

7. 8 semester hours in Chemistry:

CHEM 1301Chemical Principles I

CHEM 1302Chemical Principles II

CHEM 1203LChemical Principles Laboratory

8. 3 semester hours in Computer Programming:

Select one of the following courses:  /cis-2330'>CIS 2330, Programming I; /cis-3360'>CIS 3360, Computer Science; ENGR or math-2340'>MATH 2340, Computer Programming for Mathematics, Sciences and Engineering, or other approved studies.