
Chemistry B.S.

Students contemplating a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry or Biochemistry should begin the introductory and organic chemistry sequence (CHEM 1301, CHEM 2311, and CHEM 2312) the fall semester of their freshman year or as soon as they satisfy the math pre-requisite. MATH 2312 and MATH 2313 should be completed by the end of the sophomore year if possible.


1. 59-60 semester hours distributed as follows:

I. Support courses:

MATH 2312Calculus I

MATH 2313Calculus II

PHYS 2305/PHYS 2105Physics I and Lab

PHYS 2306/PHYS 2106Physics II and Lab

II. Introductory Chemistry courses:

CHEM 1301/CHEM 1302Chemical Principles I and II

CHEM 1203LChemical Principles Laboratory

III. Foundation Chemistry Courses:

CHEM 2311/CHEM 2111Organic Chemistry I and Lab

CHEM 3421/3421LQuantitative Analysis and Laboratory

CHEM 3441/3441LInorganic Chemistry and Lab

CHEM 4351/CHEM 4151Biochemistry I and Lab

CHEM 4431/4431LPhysical Chemistry I Thermodynamics and Lab

IV. In-Depth Courses:

CHEM 2312/CHEM 2112Organic Chemistry II and Lab

CHEM 4422/4422LInstrumental Analysis and Laboratory

CHEM 4432/4432LPhysical Chemistry II Quantum Mechanics and Lab

CHEM 4260
Advanced Chemical Research

*Two semesters of CHEM 4160 may be substituted for CHEM 4260

V. Chemistry Elective:

One 3 or 4 hour chemistry course selected from any upper-division chemistry offering not listed above.

Recommended Electives: These courses are highly recommended for chemistry majors but are not required.

MATH 2303Introduction to Probability and Statistics

CHEM 4352Biochemistry II