American Studies

Julie Rivkin and Michelle Neely, co-directors

Affiliated Faculty:
Professors: Bhatia (Human Development), Borrelli (Government), Cole (Anthropology), Dorfman (Dance), Dunlap (Human Development), Flores (Sociology), Fredricks (Human Development), Pelletier (Art), Rivkin (English), Roberts (Dance), Steiner (Art History, Anthropology), Stock (History), Vogel (Philosophy); Associate Professors: Anderson (Theater), Campos Manzo (Sociology), Garofalo (History), Gonzalez Rice (Art History), Graesch (Anthropology), Harris (Sociology), Jafar (Sociology), Martin (Film Studies), Neely (English), Rotramel (Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies), Rudolph (Hispanic Studies), Uddin (Religious Studies), Wilson (Music); Assistant Professors: Cook (English), Hanna (Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies), Suttmann-Lea (Government), Vallye (Art History and Architectural Studies)

Our American studies program is one of the strongest in the country, and every year it is among the top majors at Connecticut College. We focus on two critical issues: intersectional approaches to race and ethnicity, and the role of the United States in the world. The program is innovative, dynamic, and interdisciplinary. After you complete the core requirements for the major, you have the opportunity to concentrate on comparative race and ethnicity; expressive arts and cultural studies; politics, society, and policy; or a concentration of your own design. You also participate in community service, fieldwork, or an internship. Our graduates are shaping thinking about critical issues in government and non-governmental organizations and in academia, and frequently go on to complete graduate and professional studies in a wide range of fields.