Decoding Color: Factual vs Actual Color - Bright yellow is one of the easiest colors to detect in human vision, making it a good color choice for humanitarian food parcels. In 2001, cluster bombs dispersing bomblets of this color were dropped in the same areas as food parcels in Afghanistan by the US resulting in dire consequences. Most color choices we make are not life threatening, but an in-depth study of color coding can increase awareness of how important color is in our world. In this course students will learn about the physical attributes of "factual" color and broaden their understanding of "actual" color in context. Do we all see color the same? In studying "factual" color students will learn how color perception works in the eye and brain. They will gain knowledge of the properties of color, history of pigments, identification of color and additive/subtractive color systems. Building on this information, students will look closely at "actual" color in context. Considering the psychological and cultural aspects of color, students will analyze and manipulate color through perceptual training and hands-on studio applications. Creative and personal expression is encouraged. This studio-based course will focus on increasing color awareness and build a consensus regarding color perception.




This course is initially open to first-year and sophomore students. It will be open to all students after first-year students have pre-registered.

Enrollment Limit

Enrollment limited to 16 students.
