Job Search Preparation

Throughout their four years at Connecticut College, students are encouraged to integrate their academic, co-curricular and work/internship experiences, and to begin the process of integrating the goal-setting and career-planning skills they are developing.

•     All students who participate in the College Internship Program are required to complete a pre-internship packet outlining a viable action plan and their preliminary learning objectives for their funded internship, a proposal with more specific objectives once they have secured an internship and a post-internship written reflection evaluating their overall internship experience and evaluating the tentative career goals they set prior to their internship. Career Advisers assist students as they identify a range of options for their first year after graduation and set a realistic timeline for pursuing those options. The timeline may include developing more complete targeted resumes, actively and professionally reaching out to alumni and others as mentors and for networking, identifying job search resources and strategies, polishing interview skills, finalizing graduate school or fellowship application materials, and requesting letters of recommendation from faculty.

•     Additional programming and opportunities are available to help students strengthen public presentation skills, create a professional online presence and brand, develop budgeting skills, as well as other real life skills.