The Center for the Critical Study of Race and Ethnicity

The CCSRE provides the institutional structure, resources, and expertise necessary for initiating and sustaining critical and intersectional examinations of race, ethnicity, and social difference (e.g. gender, class, sexuality, caste, Indigeneity) in global contexts. It supports modes of teaching, research, and artistic expression that underscore the importance of critical theory and practice (praxis) in the academy and public life. The aim is to contribute to broader social and political projects that challenge existing relations of power in the interest of more just societies.

CRE Courses

The CCSRE aims to:

  • Produce research/scholarship/artistic work through new and enhanced networks of scholars and artists
  • Teach curricula that is reflective of the global reach of critical theory and the study of race, ethnicity and social difference
  • Collaborate with other centers and programs nationally and internationally that focus on the critical study of race and ethnicity
  • Serve as a locus of political action, organizing, and community building
  • Enhance public discourse through the development of public scholars