Course Offerings

Undergraduate courses are numbered from 100 to 499. Courses numbered 100-199 are open to students in all classes unless otherwise indicated.  Courses numbered 200-299 generally have introductory-level prerequisites or may be restricted to students above the first year class.  Courses numbered 300-399 usually have intermediate prerequisites, or may be open only to junior or senior students.  Courses numbered 400-499 usually have advanced prerequisites or require a large component of independent work.  Courses numbered 500-599 are graduate courses.  Some graduate courses are open to properly qualified undergraduate students.

Honors Study courses are hyphenated courses, numbered 497-498.  In comma courses, e.g., Greek 101, 102, unless otherwise noted, the student may receive credit for either semester, if taken separately.  The comma arrangement is designed to indicate that two semesters form a unit of work and may be so taken if desired.  Occasionally, in a comma course, the first-semester course is a prerequisite to the second-semester course; when this is the case, that fact is stated in the course description.

A semester course is normally equivalent to four semester hours; for exceptions in applied music, architectural studies, biological sciences, botany, chemistry, Chinese, dance, education, English, environmental studies, French, gender and women’s studies, German, government, history, Italian, Japanese, mathematics, physical education, physics, psychology, Slavic studies and theater, see departmental offerings. Connecticut College complies with federal regulations defining the credit hour.  For each credit hour awarded, students are expected to complete no fewer than three hours of combined instructional or studio/lab time and out-of-class work per week.

The College believes that in a number of courses class size is an important factor influencing the quality of education.  Consequently, to preserve reasonable class sizes, a student may not always be able to take a given course in the semester of choice.

The courses of instruction are announced subject to modification.  Courses in which the registration is below five may be withdrawn at the discretion of the College.