
Systems of Grading

UIW uses several systems of grading at the post-baccalaureate level:

Graduate System of Grading

The following grading system applies to courses taken for completion of graduate degree requirements except for Health Professions programs, which are listed separately.

Graduate Certificate Programs, Master of Arts, Master of Biomedical Sciences, Master of Business Administration, Master of Education, Master of Health Administration, Master of Public Health, Master of Science, Masters of Game Development, Doctor of Business Administration, Doctor of Philosophy

A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better is required to maintain good academic standing and meet graduation requirements.
Letter Grade   Percentage  Grade Point Average  Description   Related Policies and Procedures 
 A  93 - 100  4.0 A superior grasp of the subject matter of the course, initiative and originality in assessing problems and ability to relate knowledge to new situations. Students who complete their master’s degree programs with a 4.0 average graduate “With distinction.”
 A-  90 - 92  3.7  
 B+  87 - 89  3.3  Satisfactory performance in control of the subject matter and ability to apply principles with intelligence.  
 B  83 - 86  3.0  A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better is required for graduation. 
 B-  80 - 82  2.7  
 C  70 - 79  2.0 Less than satisfactory performance, and may disqualify the student for further study. Students who earn the grade of “C” will receive an academic warning letter and may need to repeat the course based on the recommendation of the program director and/or advisor based on program requirements. Academic Warning and/or Dismissal based on the number of earned Cs
 F  0 - 69  0.0 Failure in the course or withdrawal without following proper procedures. Student who earn the grade of a “F” will be academically dismissed.  Academic Dismissal 
 IP  --  -- In Progress indicates when a student’s achievement in the course has been satisfactory, but certain prescribed work is incomplete or the student was unable to take the final examination.  A student’s registration will be blocked if there are six (6) or more credit hours of graduate classes with a grade of IP. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all requirements for the removal of the IP grade within one year, or sooner as specified by the instructor. If the IP grade is not removed within the time specified, the IP will be changed to a grade of “F.” 
 W  --  -- Indicates withdrawal within the period specified in the semester calendar.  Withdrawal from the University 
 P  --  -- Pass indicates satisfactory performance at B- or better.   
 S  --  -- Satisfactory completion of course requirements. Grade counts toward graduation requirements but not toward GPA calculation.   
 U  --  -- Unsatisfactory; however does not impact GPA
 N  --  -- Grade not reported  
 NG  --  -- No Grade Required
 H  --  -- Honors

Health Professions Systems of Grading

The following grading systems apply to courses taken for completion of a degree within one of the listed health professions. 

Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing and Health Professions

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Letter Grade Percentage Grade Point Average  Description
A 93 - 100 4.0  
B 85 - 92 3.0  
C 78 - 84 2.0 Less than satisfactory performance and may disqualify the student for further study. Students who earn the grade of "C" will receive an academic warning letter and will need to repeat the course. Two "Cs" will result in academic dismissal. 
F 0 -77 0.0 If a student receives an “F” in the course, this is an automatic dismissal from the graduate program. 
 ---  -- Withdrawal: Students who find it necessary to leave the University during a semester must formally withdraw prior to the “Final Date for Withdrawing with a W”
IP  --- -- In Progress indicates that the student’s achievement in the course has been satisfactory, but certain prescribed work is incomplete or the student has been unable to take the final examination.

A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better is required to maintain good academic standing and meet graduation requirements. 

To be credited towards the MSN degree, all required courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “B”. Students who achieve a grade of less than a “B” must repeat the course for a higher grade. No more than two courses in the major may be repeated and no course may be repeated more than once.  Grades of an “F” in a course and/or two "Cs" is an automatic dismissal from the graduate program. The student who earns an “F” or two “C’s” will be academically dismissed and may apply for readmission after one full academic semester (16 weeks). 


Course Withdrawal 

Students who find it necessary to leave the University during a semester must formally withdraw prior to the “Final Date for Withdrawing with a W” (see university academic calendar for dates). A student who withdraws from a nursing course for the first time may or may not be allowed to repeat the course after review by the Chair of the Graduate Nursing Program and/or the Graduate Nursing Committee. The review will consider all of the following: a) Recommendations of course faculty, b) Academic performance in other courses, c) Demonstrated behaviors and attitudes expected of professional nurses, and d) Space availability in the course. A student who withdraws twice from the same course, or who has multiple withdrawals within the same semester, will be reviewed by the Graduate Nursing Committee and may or may not be eligible for continuation in the program.   


In Progress (IP):

circumstances.  No student may receive more than two “In Progress” grades during their program of study without approval by the Graduate Nursing Committee and both IP’s must be completed before progressing in the program.EXTENUATING The course grade of “IP” may be given under 


at one time, nor more than two in the course of study.  On satisfactory completion of the course, the student will receive the grade which the quality of his/her performance merits.NO MORE THAN SIX HOURS OF “IPs” MAY BE CARRIED .  must be removed within one year after receiving the “IP”, or the grade will automatically convert to an “F.”“IP” indicates that the student’s achievement in the course has been satisfactory, but certain prescribed work is incomplete or the student has been unable to take the final examination. Faculty make decisions regarding the awarding of IP grades and the length of time the student has to complete coursework.  The IP deficiency 


.IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE FACULTY MEMBERA grade of “IP” is given only in instances of extreme circumstances, such as personal illness, immediate family emergencies, or emergency circumstances beyond the student’s control (ex. call up for military duty).  Arrangements for “IP” must be made with the instructor prior to the end of the semester. The student must have completed the majority of the course and must be passing when the request is made.  

For more information on Nursing policies and procedures, please see the MSN or DNP student handbook. 

Feik School of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)

The standard grading scale of "A,B+, B, C+, C, D, F" is used in awarding grades within the Feik School of Pharmacy. IPPEs are granted on a pass or fail basis. A final grade of "pass" or a letter grade of "C" or better is required for acceptable progression in a course, IPPE, or APPE*. A final grade of "fail" or letter grade lower than a "C" will result in academic infraction. 

Letter Grade Percentage   Grade Point Average  Description 
 A  90 - 100  4.0  
 B+  87 - 89  3.3  
 B  80 - 86  3.0  
 C+  77 - 79  2.3  
 C  70 -76  2.0 A minimum grade of "C" or "pass" is required for the satisfactory completion of all pharmacy courses. Completion of all courses in each professional year is required prior to progression to the subsequent professional years. 
 D  65 - 69  1.0 A final course grade of "D" or "F" or "fail" is considered an academic infraction. "D" grades must be removed either through course remediation or by retaking the course in order for a student to progress to the subsequent professional year of the program. "F" or "fail" grades require the student to retake the course at the next regularly scheduled full offering of the course. 
 F  0 - 64  0.0
 W  ---  -- Withdrawal: A withdrawal from a course which is granted pursuant to a student's request will count as an academic infraction. Withdrawal from a course at the request of the Office of Student Affairs will not count as an academic infraction. In the case of any withdrawal, a student must retake the course during the next regularly scheduled full offering of the course. 
 IP  ---  --  In Progress: In a case in which a final grade of “IP” is warranted, the student and the instructor will, before the time grades are submitted, agree upon the time frame (up to a maximum of one semester) and requirements necessary for removal of the “IP” grade. Approval by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs is required for issuance of an “IP” grade. If all requirements for removal of the “IP” grade are not met within the allotted time, the “IP” grade will be converted to a grade of “F” or “fail” resulting in an academic infraction.

* APPEs grades are denoted A,B,C,F

A cumulative GPA of 2.0. or better is required to meet graduation requirements.

Acceptable Progress

All didactic course work must be satisfactorily completed prior to beginning the fourth professional year. 

Appeals Process

A student has a right to appeal any decision reached by the Academic Standards Committee. Students will receive the decision of the Academic Standards Committee by UIW/Cardinal email from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and from that time, students will have three business days to submit a written appeal to the Dean’s office.

 Feik School of Pharmacy Student Handbook.For more information on Pharmacy's policies and procedures, please see the

School of Rehabilitation Sciences

Athletic Training (MS), Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy (PT)









Superior grasp of the subject matter of the course, initiative and originality in attacking problems,and ability to relate knowledge to new situations

 B+  87-89  3.3

Average grasp of the subject matter of the course and ability to apply principles with intelligence -a noteworthy level of performance

 B  80-86  3.0
 C+  77-79  2.3

Below average grasp of the essentials of the course. Depending on the expectations of the academic program, students who earn the grade of “C” may receive an academic warning or need to repeat the course.

 C  70-76  2.0
 F  < 70

Failure to master the minimum essentials of the course – unsatisfactory achievement and student cannot progress in the program. Results in Academic Dismissal



Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory – if satisfactory, the course will count toward graduation, but not considered in computing the GPA.

 W Student who withdraws from courses before the "Final Date for Withdrawing with a W"

The student’s achievement in the course has been satisfactory, but certain prescribed work is incomplete, or the student was unable to take the final examination.

 NR No report (used only at midterm)
 AU Course audited not for credit
To maintain good academic standing and meet graduation requirements, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better for MSAT and OTD and 2.75 or better for DPT.


Students who find it necessary to leave the University during a semester must complete the formal withdrawal process. Students who complete a semester and then are not able to return for the following semester must complete the withdrawal process only if they have already registered for the next semester. A student’s withdrawal from the UIW School of Rehabilitation Sciences will be considered as occurring on the day the student turns in the withdrawal form to the School of Rehabilitation Sciences. Forms are available in the office of the Dean of the School of Rehabilitation Sciences and must be approved by the Dean. The student must obtain the Dean’s signature before the withdrawal will be considered official. Students who withdraw from courses before the final date for withdrawing with a W (see semester schedule) shall receive a grade of W. Students who withdraw after this date will receive a W and grade as determined at the time of withdrawal.

Those who fail to follow the proper withdrawal procedure will receive an F in all courses. As in the case of adding or dropping courses, informal notice to an instructor does not cancel registration or the student’s financial obligation to the Business Office. Information on refunds for students who withdraw is provided on UIW Business Office website. Students will be required to return keys and equipment prior to withdrawing from the program. The student will be referred to the Business Office and to the Office of Financial Assistance to discuss any outstanding bills and/or loan payment or deferral options.

For more information on School of Rehabilitation Sciences policies and procedures, please see the School of Rehabilitation Sciences Student Handbook. 

Rosenberg School of Optometry

Doctor of Optometry (DO)

Letter Grade Percentage Grade Point Average  Description    Academic Standing 
A 93 - 100 4.0  High Academic Achievement  Good academic standing 
A-  90 - 92 3.7 
B+ 87 - 89 3.3  Above Average Academic Achievement
B 83 - 86 3.0
B-  80 - 82 2.7
C+ 77 - 79 2.3  Average Academic Achievement 
C 73 -76 2.0
C-  70 - 72 1.7  Academic Probation
D+  67 - 69 1.3  Passing work, but below standard
D 65 - 66 1.0  Academic Dismissal
F 0 - 64 0.0  Failure
 --  -- Withdrawn. This status is given automatically when the student, with the approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA) or other designee of the Dean, officially withdraws from courses before the “Final Date for Withdrawing with a W” (see academic calendar). After this deadline, the student wishing to withdraw, with the approval of the ADAA, may only receive a “W” if the student is passing at the time of the withdrawal.  
IP   --  -- IP= Incomplete. This status is applied only when the work of the course is substantially completed . A grade of “IP” may also be assigned secondary to personal illness, hospitalization, or leave of absence approved by the ADAA or designee of the Dean. When an incomplete is assigned, the UIWRSO Student Affairs office will maintain information regarding the reason for the incomplete, as well as stipulations for course completion. Students need to resolve an incomplete grade status within the timeframe stipulated by the lead instructor and/or within one year, whichever comes first. Failure to resolve a grade of “IP’ within the identified timeframe will result in an automatic conversion to a grade of ‘F’.  

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required to remain in good academic standing. 

School of Osteopathic Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (OD)

Learners receive a final grade after each of the eight units and Capstone in Phase I. 

Letter Grade  Definition  Description 
 P  Pass  Successfully met all requirements of a unit/ clerkship rotation/ elective
 NG  No Grade  Dismissed before the initial assessment 
 IP  In Progress  Required to reassess a unit/ clerkship rotation/ elective or has not met requirements for EMT-B
 SR  Subject to Remediation  Did not successfully pass assessment(s)
 W  Withdrawn  Administratively withdrawn or self withdraws after a unit begins and before assessment week
 F  Fail  Did not successfully pass remediation or fails to follow the process to withdraw
 PR  Passed with Remediation  Successfully completed remediation 
 H  Honors  Only awarded during Phase II 

For more information on Osteopathic Medicine policies and procedures, please review the School of Osteopathic Medicine Polices or student handbook

Related Forms

Application for IP Grade

Withdrawal Form